Jeonghan (Shadowsaphira)

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It was another boring day at school and I squinted my eyes at the board during math like that will make me better at it.

I spun my pencil in my left hand as I was busy staring at my right arm where my watch was on until finally the bell rang for the start of another weekend.

I shoved all my books and needed homework stuff in my school bag and excitedly ran out to of the school to be stopped by the 13 guys better known as seventeen who were playing basketball.

"Oh! Seyoung unni!!!!!!!!" the maknae's screamed as they jumped on my back and shook me around the place making me feel dizzy.

"Yah! Stop making her dizzy!" we all became silent as Jeonghan became red at what he has said as everyone cooed and teased at him.

"CAN WE RE ZOOM TO THE GAME!? please!?" some of the boys shouted out as they all agreed frightened by their loud voice.

"okay okay," the guys started to walk in place until Mmingyu cut them off 'BUT! Only in one condition" he smirked at me as he faced the curious boys again.

"If my team wins...then I get to have Seyoung or if Jeonghan wins then...I will never lay my hands on her" he said as we all rolled our eyes, we all know his feelings for playing with me. I mean I'm the only girl in this school who hasn't fall for him.

"Deal!" Jeonghan said with a stern voice with anger as we all turned to him with wide eyes, IS HE SERIOUS!?

"I think you guys are going too f-"

"Let's get going!" they both shouted as we all jumped in fright, they're usually the quiet ones except one is cold and one is warm.


I bit my lower lip as I watched them sweat to death in the burning sun as it became 17:18. I admit Mingyu is tall which is easier to dodge most the other guys which made me worried as he got another point so now he's 19.

The game continued on and unexpectedly Jeonghan went around Mingyu and jumped as the ball slowly went into the basketball hoop making me jump in happiness.

Everyone fell to the floor of tiredness as I skipped to Jeonghan who was just smiling at me, he's such a good best friend.

"You saved me again" I whispered at him as he nodded and drank his water but me standing here look at his side made me feel warmer and at the moment I had a idea to kiss his cheeks like I've done in 2nd grade where he madly blushed.

I softly chuckled as I went over and was about to kiss his cheeks but he turned around "Seyo-" I was too late to stop him and his soft and small lips met mine as everyone gasped at the sight.

We pulled away and looked down as my face fleshed red of crimson as my eyes widened while I felt flutters in my stomach.

"TSK!" Mingyu spit on the floor as he ran out of the school being followed by a couple more who were probably trying to comfort him.

"Omo, noona~ Jeonghan hyu-" the boys were about to tease us but Jeonghan threw their bags in their face.

"Aish! Get out!'

"Arraso, arraso~ we'll leave you two alone as you two continue the ki-"

"GET.OUT!" he warned them as they sarcastically shivered in fear and ran out laughing as I just smirked trying to hold in the laughter at those dumbo's but reality hit me...wait he doesn't even like me and I stole his first kiss..

MY negative thought hit me and I looked up as he was staring at me without any emotions. He started to walk closer to me as I backed away.

"Why did you do that?" he asked as his eyes softened looking a bit...hurt? Oh no! I did something wrong to him!

"M- mian...I didn't mean to-" he didn't let me finish and gave me a kiss making me confused and happy at the same time.

"Do you like me?"

"U- um...yes" I whispered as quietly as I can and of course he came hear me which made him grin and let out a small laugh.

"Well then can you be mine?" he asked as my eyes widened.

"Yes!" I laughed as he hugged me while I saw smirks from the boys at the other side of the gate making me blush red.  

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