Woozi (MrsByun92)

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Kyungmi has been dating Woozi for 6 months and she hasn't visited the entertainment building or the dorm yet, and today was the day she will be introduced to her boyfriend's members. Kyungmi was so excited but at the same time she was very scared if they didn't like her. But most of all she was scared because they just debuted and she haven't seen any of them or even heard of there names.

I awkwardly waited for my boyfriend outside of my house, sweaty palms, racing heart, cold hands. I was walking around my front door until someone hugged me from the back, I looked behind me and Woozi was smiling at me which made me smile back.

"Hey, beautiful"

"Hey, handsome" I said as he blushed a little.

"Let's go" he said as he took me to his car and we both headed to the entertainment.

"Woozi oppa, does the entertainment know about me??" I nervously asked as he nodded.

"I told them a couple days ago and they wanted to see you before we go to the dorm" he said as your eyes widened at him.

"It's okay Kyungmi-yah. I'm here for you right?"

"Yeah...I feel much better with you" I smiled as I looked out the window and watched people minding their own business.


We soon arrived, I got off the car and walked to the front door when their was a tall man with glasses. I bowed 90 degrees and so did Woozi, and when I looked up he had a warm smile.

"Welcome to pledis entertainment" he smiled as I smiled back.

"Now, I have to go to a meeting so you two can go stay at the dorm"

"Kamsahabneda!" we bowed as he nodded and disappeared into the building.

"Well...that was fast..." I said as Woozi just laughed at me.

"Let's go" he said as he held my hand and skipped to the dorm.

After a minute or two we arrived in front of a door, Woozi just went ahead and opened it to be greeted by 12 members which scared me. He had this much members in his group!?

"Woozi-yah! Wait...is that your girlfriend!?" everyone shouted as I just smiled at them.


"Hi! Wow, you seem like a beautiful lady that doesn't deserve Woozi-" a tall guy joked as Woozi slapped his back and made him wince in pain.

"Anyways, introduce us to her!"

"She is Kyungmi, and Kyungmi these our my friends from the same group seventeen." he said as I looked at each of them and gave them an awkward smile.

"Hello! My names Hoshi~" a blonde haired guy cheerfully said as we shook hands.

"Hi. My names S.coups the leader of this group" a handsome/tall guy said with a huge smile as we shook hands.

"Hey, my names Jeonghan" a long haired guy said as he had a small smile and walked away to the TV.

"Hi hi! My names Joshua!" a guy said as he smiled and shook my hands...weird he resembles Tao from exo...

"ELLO! MY NAMES DINO!" a young guy jumped around as he gave me a warm hug and jumped on the couch afterwards.

"Yo, my names Wonwoo" a cool/tall guy said as he shook my hand with a poker face and walked away with his hands in his pockets.

"Hello, my names DK" a guy chuckled as he gave me a hug and walked away.

"Hey, my names Jun" a guy smiled as he gave me a pat on the shoulders and walked away.

"My names Mingyu it's nice meeting you" he smiled as he patted Woozi's back and winked at me.

"Hello beautiful, my names Seungkwan" a guy eye smiled and shook my hands as he walked away to the TV.

"My names Vernon. It's nice meeting you and I hope you can take a good care of my friend" a guy said which made me think he's a halfer (sorry, don't know how to explain these half half people).

" And lastly, I'm The8 or Xu Ming Hao" he smiled as I froze.

"Ar- are you from...Anshan, Liaoning??" you nervously asked as he nodded.

"How do you know tha-.....Kyungmi...." he froze just like me and everyone was confused.

"We meet again...ha! You've grown a lot, I didn't even notice it was you Ǎi gèzi (shorty in Chinese. Sorry if I'm wrong and placed it in the wrong place)." he laughed as I pouted.

"That's mean" I pouted as he sat up from the floor.

"Guys, what's happening??" Woozi asked as I returned to my senses, OMG I forgot about this!

"Oh, he used to be my BFF but he moved to Korea and we was younger and left our hometown" I said as their jaws dropped.

And me and Ming Hao kept on continuing our talking, ignoring everyone else in the dorm until it became 9:00 pm.

"Oh...we need to go" Woozi sighed as he dragged me out the building without letting me bid a goodbye with the people.

I fast walked behind him who was gripping onto my arm very tightly which made it red.

"W- Woozi oppa....you're hurting me..." I said as he turned around with flames in his eyes, it scared me to see him like this. He's never ever been mad or if he was he would just act like he's mad...but this was different.

"Let's....just go home...kyungmi-yah..." he sighed as he let go of my right arm.

"O-" he suddenly pulled me into a big hug and sighed a warm breathe on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." he said as he left me confused.


"For hurting your arm...I was just...jealous, I've never seen you smile and laugh like that and you never showed so much affection to me. And once Ming Hao told me that he liked an old friend back in his hometown so... I thought that was you. I'm sorry." he said as you blushed in his arms and just grinned like an idiot.

"It's okay...I'm happy that you just confessed your feelings..and plus the girl he was talking about was my younger sister." I giggled as he blushed and turned around mumbling "crap" as he walked away from me to his car.

Man~ He's the cutest of all

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