Wonwoo (Kpop4Life212002)

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It was just another normal day, the sun shining bright and I was just chilling with my laptop while my boyfriend Wonwoo was out for practice with his members until there was a phone call from Mingyu my best friend since 12.

"Hello? Hayi?"

"Oh! Mingyu oppa!Hey!"

"Haven't spoken to you in a while....well I called to ask you if it's alright to watch a horror film over at your place? About at 9?"


"With...all of us?"

"Sur- WHAT!? ALL 13?!"



"........PWEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE!?!??!!!!!" all the others screamed in the phone and I pulled it away from my ear as I clenched my fist from the squeaky noises.

"Fine, fine just stop that screaming please."

"YASSSSS" they happily cheered as we bid goodbye and ended our call.

I heaved a heavy sigh as I forced myself away from the comfy bed and decided to go get some popcorn and drinks for them annoying boys.


Time passed quickly and I got all the big bowls set full of popcorn and a ice bucket with all the drinks in them.

Soon they arrived and as soon as I heard the door bell I rushed over and flung the door open as I faced all 13 boys that were busy giving me hugs and getting themselves comfortable in their seats like children at the cinema.

"No! Wash your hands first you guys have filthy hands!" I nagged at the boys and they crawled over to the bathroom some groaning and some pouting.

While they were all gone I was surprised with a big hug from Mingyu. Seriously, I haven't seen him for months since their debut and HE CHANGED SO MUCH LIKE AOIWHFQIUEIERUGH KYAAAAAAAAAAA.

I let out silent squeals as we shared a small conversation totally ignoring the anxious kids around us that was waiting for 5 minutes as we kept on blabbering.

"CAN WE WATCH.THE.MOVIE.NOW!??!?!" they shouted out I think the second time yet again we didn't give any attention to them.

We kept our conversation going until the lights were all off and the TV was showing bright as the others started to watch the movie while clenching each other tightly waiting for the most terrifying scenes to pop up out of nowhere.

I took a moment to look around and the seats were arranged with me in the middle of everyone and Wonwoo was sitting on my left while Mingyu sat on my right, then I glanced up in front of me to see the most traumatizing smile on the face of two bloody twins. I screamed along with the others and wthout thinking I hurriedly hid in Mingyu's arms as he just let out a chuckle.

Wonwoo's P.O.V.

My heart jumped when the scene popped out of nowhere and instantly I looked towards Hayi because of her screaming but to my surprise she was well protected by Mingyu.

I pouted as I turned back to the screen and kept on watching and.....

(creepy scene)

*Hayi hugs Mingyu tightly*


(Scary scene)

*holds Mingyu's hands tightly*

....... -_- ........

(more terrifying)

*just stuck on Mingyu the whole time*

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