Wonwoo (-IceCreamHarteu)

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Today's our 2nd year anniversary, so I happily walked up to Wonwoo's house and knocked on his door...but what happened next was what I never expected.

He opened the door and dragged me in looking really mad for some reason.

"Who is this!?" he shouted as he held the phone of me and my friend Brian.

"Oh thats-"

"I don't want to know anymore...." the arguing went on and on and it was getting frusturating for us so I breathed and shouted on top of my lungs but that didn't clear anything since he slapped my face making my cheeks red.

I looked up at him with wide eyes as his was still angry.

Out of anger and sadness I ran away form his house and ran into my house as I locked the door and slid down to the ground crying.

How could he just ruin our anniversary...

I cried quite harshly until I fell asleep on my bed smudging my makeup and hair.


I woke up feeling like I'm having a hangover I stumbled my way to the washroom and finally got to clean myself up but now my cheek were bruised and blue so I hid it with my bangs just in case if someone ever comes over or I go outside.

Now I'm in my comfortable tights and shirt and I was gonna sit down on my couch but the doorbell rang.

I groaned in frustration as I stomped over to the main door and opened it not even checking who it is to find Wonwoo hugging me.


"I'm so sorry, I was a little bit drunk at that time I didn't realize what I did. I'm sorry Solfie please forgive me, I'm sorry for ruining our anniversary" he apologized as I tried to say no and push him off but it's so hard since I still do love him.

I pulled away and looked at him not expecting much until I noticed he was...crying in front of me. My eyes widened and I was in panic, he's never cried in my life and look at him now, he has puffy eyes, messy hair, and a red face.

"It's okay..." I whispered into his ear as I hugged him to calm down his breathing and it did.

I looked at him the second time and he seemed better but he still had a pleading frown on making me loose hope of breaking up with him.

"I'm sorry" his voice broke as I smiled to feel him touch my cheek, the one he slapped and he knew I had a wound over on the cheek which made him look even guiltier.

"It's okay, I still love you so don't worry" I smiled as he kissed my cheeks.

"I love you too" he said as we shared another kiss. 

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