Mingyu (jeonuary)

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I tapped around my foot on the grey carpet floor biting on my pencil while flipping through the pages to my science textbook trying to memorize the important parts and the definitions of each key words while my right hand was slowly tugging on my hairs with me getting frustrated every second.

To be honest I'm never going to be able to pass this second exam that's coming up in a week. I'm doomed.

I soon gave up and dropped my head to my desk ignoring the slight pain in my brain and just looked at the other text books lying on the floor next to my bag, the ones I've studied and the ones left to be looked through again and again, ugh.

"Jagi? What's that heavy "thump" coming from?" Mingyu quietly peeked in making a long silent eye contact with me with a whisper of concern. I've kept him out for at least 7 hours a day and it's already been 3 weeks since I've done that.

"Nothing..."I sighed, waving my hand at him as a sign to leave as I moved my head back at the enormously heavy science textbook and heaved another sigh continuing from where I left off.

While trying to revise everything I felt familiar warm arms snaking around my waist as a nice scent embraced me calming me down for a bit as Mingyu hung his head on my shoulders following my pencil that was marking each sentence.

After a long silent minute he decided to say something to ease your stress a bit and try to lure her into a break.

"When's your exam?"

"...exactly in 7 days..." he groaned pulling her closer forcing her to sit on his laps as he pouted at the not-amused or cheerful tone in her responses like usual. Without a second thought he gave me a kiss on the neck making me shiver.

"Yah! Mingyu! Stop that~" I whined peeling his arms away and giving him a short glare before re zooming into what I was doing before as he played with my hair and shoved clumps of messy hair in my face playfully.


"Awwww~ Justine~ Please take a break. You barely take time off for me~" he whined like a kid stretching his arms and legs out while spinning the computer chair lightly.

"Nope" I stopped the spinning seat with my hands that gripped on the desk tightly and grabbed my math textbook that was next to me but as soon as I got it in my hands he held it up successfully and opened to a random page skimming through it until the last part giving me a satisfied smile.

"Fine. If you don't take a break then I'll help you!" he laughed as I just sighed letting him do what he wants not bothering to fight his stubbornness.

I sat up and brought another computer chair and sat next to him.

"Ready?" I nodded and grabbed my pencil and notebook.



I reviewed through my collected notes as the door slam open and in fright I jumped up looking towards the door and rolled my eyes at the sight of my boyfriend with a cheeky grin letting out giggles while clutching onto his stomach.

"Mwo!?" I shouted throwing my pillow at him as he came over and made an eye contact while pulling me into an embrace.

"Mian, mian." he laughed as he pulled away and examined me that had horrible bags under my eyes, the small acne on my forehead that appeared as my stress started to build up, and the beads of sweat around my neck.

I hurried to cover up my face as he just let out a deep chuckle and pulled me to our bed while being in the process of forcing my hands away from my face.

As I finally noticed what he was trying to do by tucking me in and laying down beside me, I quickly tried to pull away my sheets but ended up failing as he gripped tighter around me.

"You need a rest. Seriously." he said sternly as I sighed and dropped my hands from the blanket shwoing him my surrenders and made myself comfortable in his arms....and noticed....

HOW MUCH I MISSED THIS BED! I've always slept early and woke up late and took naps at least 2 times a day (you suga's sister?or...) but these couple of weeks I only slept 4 hours a day or sometimes just took 40 minutes naps.

"Uhhhh~ Mingyu~ I only need to look through this page just once! PLEASE!" I tried begging and he shook his head.


"If you don't let me review it then I won't talk to you for a WHOLE WEEK!" I shouted out as he still had his eyes closed and smirked.

"That's impossible"


"I will tell your mom that you missed days of school!" I tried again but what do you know I ended up earning nothing but silence and more warm hugs.


"Justine, stop trying. you've already done enough and you can seriously get sick if you keep going on like that okay? Now sleep tight jagi. I don't want you to get sick." he pouted while he did aegyo with a "child's" voice making me laugh.

"Fine~...." I smiled unable to contain my feelz for him anymore.

"Good. You've had enough" he sighed as I snuggled closer to him.

"I've really had enough of you!" I teased while hitting his arm, face still in his chest.

"But you'd never get enough of my love~ I love you Justine~" he laughed doing small heart signs with his hands making me scrunch my face.

"I love you too Mingyu~.....but your really cheesy and cliche ya know" I said mirroring his actions as he nodded.

"But aren't you the one that made me be like this?"

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