DK (sashatrisa)

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Today I was walking along the fussy park with my drink, it's 9 and the sun is still up. The cold breeze is cooling down my sweat as I bumped into someone, hard.

"I'm so sorry!" I shouted as I looked at his wet sweater.

"N- it's o-" his glasses and cap fell off, I noticed it was my bias DK from seventeen. What is he doing here?

"OMO, IT'S DK!!!!!!" I heard girls scream as I widened my eyes in fright.

"Crap..." I heard him whispered as he held my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine as he ran for dear life away from the swarm of...human monsters or better known as sasaeng fans.

"Come here..." he whispered as we squished in a space of two building his warm breathe was on my neck and I just looked away to avoid eye contact with his god like face. We were standing face to face and he had his hands leaning on the

"Are you okay?" my gosh that voice just melted my heart.

"Y- yes..."

"OPPA! DK OPPA!!! Where is he!?"

"I think he went over there!" the footsteps went further until I didn't hear any fussy noises of annoying girls.

I sighed as I looked at him who was just staring at me, damn hot...ugh.

I coughed as I squished out as he did the same.

"I- I'm sorry about your there any way I can fix it??"



"To go out with me." he smiled as I waited for him to say he's joking but he got closer to me.

"This is not my first time seeing you Sasha...." he said as my eyes widened.

"H- how do you know my name..." I said as he held my hand and looked down on me, he was only a few inches away from my face and it just made me blush.

"Don't you remember the messages?" I thought for a minute until a flash back hit me.

Flash back...

I was sitting on a bench drinking my ice tea as I found a message on a bench, it said "Hello, Sasha. Nice to meet you. I'm Seokmin." I smiled as I took out a sharpie from my bag and wrote down a message. "Hello. How do you know me?"

From then on I would come everyday to see a new message but one day he never replied my confession "I don't really know you but I think I fell for you".

I cried ever since then thinking he just played around with me, but look at him now.

Flash back ending...

I looked up in shock.


"Hehe, now you remember. I'm sorry I didn't see your confession, I was busy with training" he said as he smashed his lips on mine.

"But I can say I love you back" he said in between our kiss which made me smile.

"And I can say that I never forgot about  you"

"I love you Sasha..."

"I love you too Seokmin-ah..."

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