DK (LinaBeanss)

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You were walking to you're university for the first time and a tall slim guy blocked you. You looked up startled but something felt familiar with this guy.

"Don't you remember me??" he asked as he gave you the most heart melting smile ever.

"N- no....who are you??" you asked him as he frowned a little bit.

"Do you remember a guy named DK?" he said as you thought for a second.

7 years ago...

"_____ come! Look at this!" you ran beside you're friend and chased him all the way to a garden.

"Let's make a flower crown!" you exclaimed as you two sat down and started to make one. As you were making one he suddenly tapped you.

"H- hey ______...." he whispered as you turned around and faced his red face.


"Umm..can you take out your right hand..." he requested as you just did what he told you to do.

"____, I really like you...and I want you to be my girlfriend in the you need to wait for me okay?" you suddenly blushed at his confession and just nodded as he put a necklace of a small flower in the center of the resin.

"Where it and I will come for you-"

"Seokmin-ah!!!!!!" you two looked far to the left and found his mom.

"Bye ____, see you later!" he shouted as he ran to his mom. You smiled as you put it on and kissed it. But that was the last time you saw him, rumors were him going to a boarding school because of his dads work to America.

End of flashback

You did cry a lot and thought he lied to you but now he's just standing right in front of you.

"Seokmin...." you whispered as he smiled.

"You remember huh?- Oh!"


"You still have that necklace too"

"Y- yeah" you blushed as he giggled.

"Will you be my girlfriend? I still loved you until this day you know" he confessed which made you blush even harder so you looked down.

"Yes..." you said as he pulled up your chin and gave you a quick peck on the lips before the bell rang for the school to start.

Seventeen Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now