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I've been happy with Mingyu, no drama that you guys think will happen if your with an idol. It's just...normal.

We've been happy and understanding, none of us were sensitive and overprotective but once this question popped up in my head the day after the fans insulted me, I became a "bit" worried.

"How can he love you, just a normal commoner while he's an idol! He deserves a skinnier, prettier, and more intelligent woman  unlike you!" one of the fans or should I say a sasaeng once shouted at me, none of the threats got to me except this one.

It hit me real hard.

Mingyu's P.O.V.

Y/N's been extremely weird, like she doesn't even answer me properly either like if it's a yes or no question she would answer with a mmmm and that's it. Nothing else.

What's going on with her?

Y/N's P.O.V.

I sat down on the couch staring at the off TV until I felt another weight on the other side of it making me look up at Mingyu.


"Yes?" I asked as I avoided his eye contact and fiddled with my fingers.

"What's wrong?" he came closer to me and gave me a side hug ( -_- da girl in da relationship obvi) as he laid his head on my shoulder and looked up at me who couldn't HELP AND SMILE!


"Liar, your not your cheerful self" it's true, I'm one of those crazy, loud, and mental friends but lately I barely talk and get depressed easily.


"Did you fight?" I shook my head.

"Something happen to someone?" I shook my head x2

"Am I not enough?" this time I harshly shook my head as he sighed in relief as that question passed by.

"Then what is it?" he said trying not to raise his voice at me.

"Why do you love me?" I blurted out a question making him take a back and frown.

"Cuz I love you" I shook my head not pleased enough with the answer, I need this out of my head now.

"But you can have a girl idol as a girlfriend"

"Nope, they might seem all nice and all and I'm not going to lie. I was wanting to date a girl idol but that stupid dream escalated as Ii knew their true personality. More then half the people were pretty much arrogant and stuck up but of course not all. But you seem all perfect to me"

"Well I'm not skinny as them"

"They look more like a skeleton in my eyes, you look just right to me"

"I'm not beautiful!"

"Calling some girls who went through a heavy surgery is called being prettier (sorry if this offends anyone but I still respect them and I only said SOME) then a natural born beauty?" I didn't respond to that, I couldn't attack him with that opinion.

"Then-" he cut me off with a sudden kiss, it was warm and delicate.

"I love you, and only you so can you please drop that thought? Or you can't believe me?"

"I believe you" I blushed as he gave me another hug.

"And I love you too" I finally got out those cringing words making him go red.

Seventeen Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now