DK & S.coups

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I'm here painfully crying my heart out as I can hear no more noise from my dry and weak throat. 

DK is now lying down on the hospital bed, helplessly. On the day of his work his breathing got harder from his singing and dancing, even if he everyone was aware of his weak heart he was always fine after hours of practice until this one concert...he fainted and was pushed into a deep sleep from his heart attack.

I held onto the warm arms of S.coups as he pulled me into a deep embrace, he's been doing this for the past couple months, the best friend of my whole life. He's always been there for me and I owe him big time but now I don't feel like doing anything.

"Miss. Can you await outsi-" the monitor showed a higher line as it meant that he was waking up.

"Mr. Seokmin-ssi!?" 

"Seokmin oppa!"


We all shouted and gasped as he opened his eyes of course not fully but half way as he showed a small smile without his teeth.

I smiled with as I prayed a thank you, I caressed his cheeks as he felt my hand.

"We'll leave everything to you two and if anything happens please tell us. Bye" I faced S.coups as we both smiled at each other and he left in a few seconds as the doctor followed in awe.

I hugged Seokmin as he hugged back, how much I missed his warmth.

"Hey...." he tried to get out a cheerful tone but failed as it came out rusty and hoarse but I still loved his voice, oh how much I missed his sweet voice.

"I missed you" I cried in his arms of joy as he patted my head and slowly kissed it.

"Y/N....please...listen to me, I don't have much time left. Please hear me out...I really can't speak" I really want to protest that he didn't have much time but I couldn't since I knew he had a hard time talking so I let him talk without trying to interrupt.

"I'm so sorry Y/N...I lied to you. My love for just took over me and it made me push everything and made me sacrifice everything for you, even my life. But the worst thing is that...I lied to your heart Y/N." I doubted that, all of what he said. He would never lie to me.

"I- I...."

Flash back.... (s.coups: bold       DK: slanted        Y/N: underline)

I was gazing at Y/N like always. Her laughs, smiles, and most of all her kindness caught me into her trap and I haven't gotten out ever since and I'm not planning to either.

It's now our second year old high school and I've gotten along with this transfer boy named Seokmin and I've told him my feelings for this "girl" and now he's meeting her. I'm going to boast about her...kkkk.

I caught her sitting on her bench so I pulled the uninterested DK over to her.

"Hey Y/N!" I happily cheered as we sat in front of her bench. And from then on...I started to regret introducing DK to her.

I didn't take my eyes off my phone until I glimpsed at this girl named Y/N, she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and we had a lot in common.

After that day we've did everything together, and  I ignored S.coups confession about her...that he loved her.

I did everything to get closer to her and even rushed through the relationships which gladly she never noticed. I'm not playing with her...I just want her full attention for me.

And  from the day we became a couple, S.coups called me out at the park where I was supposed to meet Y/N at but since he called me already I had no choice but to go. I got myself ready to face him, to face his anger.

I saw a glimpse of him looking at me so I rushed over to him, it was such a beautiful day but it wasn't important to us since it was like hell for him and for was guiltiness that became a big part of my mind.

"How could you do this to me? Did you already forget what I said on the days way before the introduction? I've known her for more then 8 years and you've only known her for finally 1 year and what!?" he angrily shouted at me as he held my collar close to him but he never hurt me violently. He still considered my feelings even after of what I've done to him.

"Oppa!!!" we both turned around and S.coups took his hand away as soon as he saw Y/N running over to me. 

"Oh! Hi Seungcheol oppa!" she happily said as tugged on my arm after a goodbye and walked away, but I couldn't take my eyes off S.coups who had a warm but a smile that showed all his sad emotions...and that was the last time I've talked to him before he started to ignore us.

I smiled at them both, they look so happy together that I just can't get into their own little world that sparkles in front of billions of people. I sighed as I gazed at the bright green grass as tears streamed down my face and hit the dirt...that's how I feel right now, being thrown away when I was happy cuddling up in a warm and cozy feeling.

May this be the last time I'll have to talk to both of them, I don't want to get in the way of their love anyways.

Flashback ending...

My eyes widened at the fact that DK just confessed at the most heart breaking thing, that he lied to be together with me and totally fooled my heart.

But I can't lie that I still love him.

"Seokmin- we can still be happy? Why are you doing this when your awake?" I got all my strength to breathe out those words, I couldn't help but cry through each word as my throat stung really badly.

"Y/'s because I don' deserve this happiness anymore, I should have just let Seungcheol have you. Every second I spend with you is just dreamy and wonderful but... as much as I'm happy I feel bad for please consider this fact and...move on, with him. Please..." his voice became quieter as the monitor clearly showed the higher line slowing down to the bottom making me panic.

"No Seokmin please-" he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a delicate kiss as I heard the beeping noise...telling me that he's not going to be here with me feel the hear his angelic see his handsome figure.

I cried as the doctors rushed in and took him away to save him just for once more as Seungcheol took me in and hugged me as I cried in his arms.

Now I don't even know if I'm the selfish one or the whole entire reality life of letting go the special things in life.


It's now 2015...2 years ago that happened and now I'm with Seungcheol as Seokmin oppa wished for me.

We're praying in front of his grave stone as tears streamed down my face, silently. I looked up and Seungcheol had his hand out as the sun shine bright behind him, he's now my guardian angel and don' take me wrong I still love Seokmin but he loves me just as much as Seokmin.

I took his hand as I laid his favorite flowers Spathiphyllum on his grave and walked away hand in hand with coups...not turning back for I will cry all over again.

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