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I was just walking to my work place but when I arrived I found my boyfriend, the8 standing in front of me.

"What are you doing here oppa?"

"To take you somewhere else~" he cooed as he took my hand and started to walk to his car.


"Shhh" he whispered as we both got in the car, but before he got the car started he put a blindfold around my eyes. Why!?

For the past hour I've been asking him questions but he just wouldn't tell me!

"We're here~" he's sweet voice waked me up, he held my hand and walked me through as I felt grass under my shoe.

"Close your eyes..." he said as he took off the blindfold and I had my eyes shut really tightly because of the light beaming on my eye lid since I haven't seen the light in an hour.

"Now...let's play a short game..."


"Knock knock..."

"Who's there?"


"Marry who?"

"Marry me"...I opened my eyes to see Ming Hao sitting down on one knee as he held a ring that was nicely put in the middle of a red velvet box.

I gasped as he smiled at me.

"Yes! Yes!" I shouted as I hugged him who was putting it through my ring finger.

"Now...look up ahead of us" he said as I did with my blurry eyes to see a big house.

"And that's where we're going to live in from tomorrow"

"Oh my goodness Ming Hao..." I hid my face in my palms as I cried in joy.

"Hehe" he chuckled as he gave me a kiss.

"I love you _____"

"I love you too, Ming Hao..."

Seventeen Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now