Hoshi (Hollister1223)

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So I'm just sitting here as the teacher scolds me.

"*sigh* Holly, your math score is getting worse! What's gotten into you!" Hoshi got into me is what I'm thinking, I'm okay at math but lately I can't stop staring at him because he's in my math class so...I'm here thinking about him.

"If your not going to answer I just have to send you for a tutor, here's the address just go ask them that your a student of...my friends son and they'll let you in. Go!" he scolded me and pushed me out as I lazily walked out as I stopped at a huge house, more like a mansion.

I nervously pressed on the doorbell and they opened up just in time.

"Who are you?" a lady asked as I bowed for respect.

"My name is Holly and I'm a student....uhh, Mr. Walton sent me here" I said as she smiled.

"Ah~ Come in, my son is at the top. Let me help you" wow such a beautiful mother.

I followed her into a room.

"Honey, you have a student that Mr. Walton sent you. Please respect her" she said as she left me there staring at the boy...Hoshi, no freaking way.

"*sigh* come in...Holly right?"

"Y- yea...." my gosh he knows my name...but he probably doesn't really know who I'am.

I sat down beside him.


An hour has passed and we only went through two questions, the third one just made me blank like "wth!?" I don't remember learning about this- oh yeah I never pay attention to math class. I mean the teacher needs to chill cuz every other subject is either A or B like come on.

"*sigh*.....Let's make a deal, every question you get right I will give you a kiss on the forehead" I froze and looked at him with a poker face while inside I was going crazy.

"So your selling yourself just to get me a better letter grade?" I said as he just shrugged.

"Ugh, can we just do this tomorrow. I have Japanese clas-......it's over by now." I said as I sighed and shoved my phone back in my back pack.

"Okay, it was nice meeting you" he forced a smiled and I nodded.

"Bye" I smiled as I left the room and bowed for a goodbye to his mom as I left his house. I headed to an empty house, all gloomy with me and my younger sister. My parents have passed away and I can't believe I let my self esteem go, I'm the mother and the father of this house but I let go so easily. I broke our promise of getting good grades.

I kicked my back pack away and headed to my sister's room but as always she's sleeping, we barely get to talk because of my school. I kissed her forehead and went to bed after cleaning myself up.


School was over and I was going out until someone tapped my shoulder.

"Aren't you going to my house?" I looked around and found Hoshi with a bright smile.

"Yeah" I said as I forced a quick smile and sighed as we both walked in complete silence to his house, it was awkward since I can feel him staring at me the whole time.

We entered the place and I was determined to get the questions right, for my future to tae care of me and my sister. 

We sat down and surprisingly I got the first question right.

"Good job!" he smiled as he pecked my cheeks OMG OMG OMG OMG. Okay, keep it together girl. You did not come here for this.

"Are you serious? You remember that deal!?" I said as I started to get irritated when ever he would do that.

"Yeah, you didn't quit because of th-" I stood up and took everything as I stormed out of the room, enough is enough I like him but if he's just going to use me like that and tease me then I'm done. I came here to do better and if he's going to flip it then I'm leaving this rich place and going to my apartment, looking down on me just because I'm a commoner. Jerk.

I ignored his shout from his window and kept on running to my apartment.

After I entered I refreshed my mind before I picked up my sister from school.


Days have passed and I ignored Hoshi as much as I can, even in math class.

"Holly, you've gotten much better! 90% great job! Did...ah, Hoshi help a lot?"

"Ahaha....yeah I guess' I smiled as I nodded and I bowed for excuse as I left the class and was heading to the outside from the main entrance until someone grabbed my hand.

"Hey Holly, I'm sorry. I think I went too over board....I just was happy to be with you...." I turned around to face Hoshi with a bitter face.

"I- It's okay...I need to go so-"

"You don't have anywhere to go to, stop lying. Your sister is on a field trip camp and you have no class for this week" that startled me, how does he know all this stuff?

"I like you okay? That's why I was carried away with my ridiculous actions, I'm sorry Holly." he confessed as I became over joyed with what he said, he likes me back.

"I like you too, Hoshi" I smiled as this time I gave him a kiss on the cheek which made him stunned.

"I love you, Holly" he whispered as he kissed my lips.

"I love you too, Hoshi"

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