Wonwoo (xii_han)

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Wonwoo's P.O.V.

I've been crushing on this old friend of mine, names Hana and today I'm going to confess to her but that wasn't my intention in the first place...but this happened.

"I'm bored!" Dino shouted as he laid on his stomach and played with his ipod.

"Oh! Wonwoo hyung you've liked Hana for a while now, right?" he smirked as he looked at me.

"Yeah..." I said as the others came out of their rooms and looked at me with a big grin.


"We're going to make you confess." they grinned as I slapped my face.

"My god please don-"

"Hello?? Hana!? Oh hey it's Woozi, can you come over with your friends to the park near our dorm?? Ah thank you bye" my eyes widened so I tried to get through but the boys blocked my way and just laughed at my fail.

"Aish! Na mola ( i don't know anymore) you guys do whatever you want!" I  shouted as I cursed under my breathe and stomped to my room.

Boy's P.O.V.

Hehehe he's mad, now what should we do...ah! Let's make him sing and dance in front of everyone.

We got out his outfit of which he wore in the MV of "adore you" and caught up with the plan.

"So Woozi, Dino, Jun, and Joshua will go get the girls and distract them while the rest of us will stay with Wonwoo and distract him, okay?"

"Got it! S.coups hyung jjang!"


Hana's P.O.V.

What's going on? Why was Woozi so hyped up?

"Let's go guys..." I said as me and the girls jumped in the car and drove over to the park and it was a perfect view, the sun was still up but a lot of shade since this park grows a lot of trees.

We waited for them until they came back with their casual clothes on except for Wonwoo, my crush since elementary. He was wearing something familiar but he didn't look happy at all, hmm I wonder why.

"Hey guys!" we smiled as they smiled back and went to their own girlfriends that are MY friends.

"Okay! So we present you~ Wonwoo dancing to adore you-and-singing-every-part-of-this-song-all-by-himself!!" Dino cheered as everyone just stared at him.

"Wow Lee Chan, your the best MC in the world..." Hansol sarcastically said as Dino just smiled.

"Hyung, thank you" he laughed as Hansol rolled his eyes.

"Anyways! Let's just get started. Go!" Jun said as he pushed Wonwoo to the front.


"WOOOOOOOOOOOO!" everyone cheered as they clapped along with me, wow he's good! He's good at dancing, rapping, and not bad at singing.

Boys P.O.V.

Now's the time! We signaled everyone to leave and successfully Hana didn't notice but we gulped at Wonwoo who was glaring at us. Sorry bro!

We ran away as we all giggled and waited for them in our van playing board games. Good luck Wonwoo!

Wonwoo's P.O.V.

I sighed as I sat down on the grass as Hana looked around.

"Where's everyone else??"

"They left us for a reason. And I'm going to tell you why the left us alone....Hana.....I've liked you since elementary and I still do....can you be my girlfriend..." I said as I focused on her who was looking down with a red face.

"I would love to be your girlfriend..." she smiled as Ii gave her a hug, it's the happiest day of my life and the whole world sparkled to me like I was the last one on Earth who has survived.

"I love you so much Hana"

"I love you more..." she whispered as I gave her a sweet kiss.

"Let's go back to the van."  I smiled as she nodded and held my hand.

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