DK (SetsukoChannie)

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Ally is one of the first fans of the new rookie group, seventeen. She was at their first fan sign and her bias is DK and in fact he was the first one she was going to face.

She smiled at him like an idiot and he did the exact same (bold=DK).

Omg he's cute!

Oh.MY.GOD. she's so pretty *mentally slaps himself*

Just smile and he wouldn't think i'm a freak

....she really needs to stop that, I'm dying...

Why is he looking down? Does he think I'M UGLY!?

My gosh girl if you keep on looking at me like that your going to melt me *looks down*

"He- hello...umm what's your name??" phwee got over that one easily, ugh dammit I can't open this sweaty palms....ugh.

Awwww he's struggling to open the cap XD

She's thinking I'm a weirdo...dammit

"My names Ally" ....even her names beautiful...omg kill me now.

"You have a pretty name" O_O what did he just say!?

Finally opened this damn thing. *writes on paper her name, sign, and phone number*

Ugh that ended quickly...ummm let's just say something....

"Let's mee- meet again...Ally" ahhhh sooo embarrassing!!!!!!!!!

"Nae~ It's nice meeting you. You're very handsome" FINALLY I said it! No joke he looks smokin' hot.

"Hehehe thank you" yes yes yes yes yesh!!!!!!!

He just smiles like an angel!


That fan signing ended fast -_- I looked back at the signings and everyone added really nice comment but when I stopped at my O_O AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I mentally slapped myself and jumped off a cliff (what -_- this is how I would feel XD).

I quickly added his number and messaged him.

Hi :D

Hello :)

Oh! Alley, I have a day off tomorrow can we meet together??

Yes :)

I jumped on my bed and ruffled my hair as I accidentally hit myself on the edge of my desk, OUCH!


We went on a date at the aquarium and it was the best! He's such a gentleman! But sadly it came to an end, and he dropped me off at my house.

"It was nice to spend the day with you" he smiled as I blushed.

"And I would like to go on another date" he said as I nodded and smiled.

"I would love to go on another one" I said as we had a moment of staring at each other.

"See ya' at the next concert" I said as I waved a goodbye at him.

"Okay! Bye honey-....ahh Alley!" I acted like I didn't hear it but on the inside I went crazy, he just called me honey! Ahhhh! My goodness he's so cute.

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