Mingyu (littleKpopper)

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Today is the day of me and Mingyu's anniversary, but I don't have him with me to celebrate such a happy day.

I crawled up in my bed as watched him dancing on the TV. He's left me for the career and I'm okay with it but he never told me about it.

His mom never liked me just because I wasn't Korean and she's told Mingyu to break up many times but he wouldn't listen just until she said she would let him be an idol. That's when he left me.

Flash back...

"I- I'm sorry... _____. We n- need to break up..." I dropped my pencil and looked at him in shock.

"W- why?"

"I'm sorry...for being so weak" he had tears in his eyes as he ran away from me. I didn't get it, why?

Flash back ending...

But now I know and he was right, he is weak. But I can't stop loving him so I flew over to Korea to go to his concert.


I'm sitting here at the front watching them, Mingyu looks so happy and it hurts me...he forgot about me.

I looked at him until he did the same...his eyes widened to see me and Ii never thought that he would catch me out of so many people.

I got up and looked at him for the last time and he was doing the same with a lot of emotion, he looked at me probably out of pity so I walked away not turning back.

The past is the past and it only comes once. I enjoyed the relationship of me and Mingyu and that's enough for me.

Bye Mingyu, my first love...

I thought as tears rolled down my face and I can hear the music ending as I heard another shouting coming from far and I just know it's Mingyu so I turned back to see a figure running here so I ran away.

This is the end, it needs to be the end. No matter how much I want the past back just one day I need to cut the happening off from me so I won't get hurt again.

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