Dino (xii_han)

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I was just walking around in the Korean airport, I was waiting for my sister to arrive from China as I came back from ______.

I sat down and scrolled down on my phone as I can hear this young man near me and he is coming closer and closer asking the same question to people but I guess no one is helping him.

He sighed as he tapped on my shoulder. I guess I'm his last hope...why not just help him-...crap he's cute, why would no one help him!?

"Yes?" Oh no, I just spoke in English...crap.

"Ah...umm c- can help...no phone..." he awkwardly said as I nodded and gave him my phone.

I listened to him and I can understand and he's just too cute.

"...Hyung! You guys left me here again! Can you guys just come back....I don't have money with me for a taxi now hurry hurry!" he shouted as he pouted at his...hyungs replies. So cute.

He finished his call and he fiddled with my phone, and he gave it back after.

"Thank you" he smiled as I smiled back.

"Gwenchanayo..." I said as his eyes widened.

"Are you Korean?"

"Half, I'm half Korean" I smiled as his jaws dropped until some people called him. I looked up and found 30 other boys in a row covering up the space making people hard to pass through as he ran away giving me a wave.

I frowned, I don't even know his nam-


I looked at my phone and it was from an unknown number.

"Thank you so much for helping me, my name is Lee Chan nice to meet you" I smiled as I replied back and looked up to see him being teased by the others. Such a cutie.

"Let's meet again, Monday at 3" 

"Sure" I replied back as my sister came back.

"Hey~....you blushing! Who is your crush!?" 

"Him" I said as I pointed to the guy that was being played around with the others.

"...Wait...their seventeen the new kpop group!!"

"Wait what!?"

Gosh I'm excited to see him on Monday...and today's Friday....ahhhh can't wait!

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