S.coups (bammeup)

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Scared S.coups version

You always loved to be in haunted houses so you dragged your scared boyfriend over to one.

"Oppa, let's go to the haunted house!" he groaned and looked at you.

"meh~ I don't want to, you know I'm scared of those things!" S.coups whined as you just started to drag him to one and he would just walk sloppy until he reaches the haunted house.

You tried to walk in but he held you back, you looked at him and he pouted.

"You know I'm scared!" he almost shouted as you sighed.

"If you don't go in, I will call you a scared chicken from now on. And it wouldn't matter which place I'am in" you strictly said as he groaned again and just followed you inside.


You two went in and he held your arm and closed his eyes shut. You were enjoying it so you laughed if he screamed at the ghost's which did look kind of frightening.

Soon you two were done and you smiled at S.coups who was pale and blue.

"You're the manliest person that I've ever met!" you complimented him and gave him a peck on the lips which made him smile.

Manly S.coups version

You two were doing a challenge of who's more manly, but the problem for S.coups was that you weren't really scared of anything until something popped up. It's that S.coups love the haunted house and he knew you didn't so he dragged you there but you tugged on his shirt.

"Oppa~ Do I have to!?" you groaned as he giggled and just nodded.

"Let's go in Jagiya!" he shouted as he dragged you inside. You held on to his shirt and looked down which made him laugh really hard.

"It's okay ____, I will protect you." he hugged you and started to walk.

You were screaming and suffocating S.coup as you two went in further until it ended.

It ended pretty quickly but to you it seemed like forever.

"That was so much fun! Now who's manly!" he exclaimed which made you laugh.

"Fine, your more manlier then me" you smiled as he pecked your lips.

"Let's go to the ice cream parlor!" you two excitedly said as you both rushed to one and got two cups of (favorite ice cream).

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