Wonwoo (NutellaMoshi)

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I'm just a normal high school student and I was walking up to my locker at lunch until a tall boy came up to me very nervous.

"E- excuse me....ummm do you know a girl named...Elaine??" he shyly said as I turned around and saw the most handsome face ever.

"Y- yea...what do you need from her?"

"I- I like her...umm and I needed a friend of hers to help me....confess to her..." he quietly whispered as I nodded, I mean I can't turn down such a request.

"Sure." I smiled as he cheered.

"Thank you so much....Milla!"

"No problem...Wonwoo. Now do you wanna start from now?" I said as he nodded.

We went to the cafeteria and we talked about her favorite food, place, and type of guys and it fit Wonwoo perfectly.


I've spent 2 months with Wonwoo and I started to like him but he just asked Elaine out and she said...yes.

"She said yes! She said yes!" he cheered as I just smiled for him, holding in the deep urge of crying.

"Congrats!" I "exclaimed" as he spun me around in the air. That smile...I've never seen it on him before.

We separated later and Elaine ran up to me in joy.

"Wonwoo asked me out! Let me introduce him to you!" she exclaimed as I gave her a confused look. Ooh yeah she doesn't know that I knew him.

"Okay!" I said as we took on in class.


I was at home and I got a message from Elaine that she wants me to meet up with her and introduce me to Wonwoo.

I walked to the park and found them waiting for me but they looked extremely awkward...what's going on?

I went up to them and they brightened up.

"Milla!" they both smiled as I gave each of them a hug.

"Congratulation~" I said as they frowned.

"About that..." Wonwoo said as he looked at Elaine for a second.

"It's okay go on..." she smiled as she walked away from us.



"W- what's going on? Why is she walking away, go get he-"

"Will you stop blabbing about her!?" he shouted at me very angrily which made me startled.

"I just found out that I don't really like her...."

"What happened before I came here Wonwoo??..."

Wonwoo's P.O.V.

I was just happily walking to the park and met up with Elaine...but I wasn't as excited as I was then...she grabbed my hand and intertwined but it doesn't feel right. Her smile, laugh, face isn't beautiful to me anymore...Elaine just looks like a plain girl to me now.

So the excitement, happiness I felt when I was with Milla...it wasn't because I was excited to hear about Elaine but it was because I wanted to be with her...

"I- I'm sorry Elaine...I don't think thi- this would work" I whispered as she let go and looked down.

"I know...you like Milla right? I've seen you two together before...so that's why you don't look very well right now...it's okay" she smiled but I knew she wasn't feeling happy.

"I'm sorry" I whispered as we awkwardly waited for Milla.


Now I'am here looking into her beautiful eyes.

"Milla...I found out that I like you, over the two months I've grown feelings for you...and I want YOU to be my first girlfriend." I said as tears were shown in her eyes.

 "I would love to be your girlfriend!" she shouted out as I hugged her, I felt so happy right now that I can literally jump off a cliff.

"I love you Milla, I love you!"

"I love you too Wonwoo" she said as I kissed her.

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