Wonwoo (monse92ba)

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You just rolled your eyes as you caught Wonwoo kissing another girl. But you just had to accept it since he's the kinka of the school, but it hurts you since your not the only girlfriend. He changed but that never stopped you from loving him.

You walked passed them and headed back to class.


You just walked out of your class and went to Wonwoo's house to break up with him. You've thought up a plan for a while and it took a lot of courage to leave him.

*knock knock*

"Oh _____!" he exclaimed as he gave you a simple hug that you frowned at since you saw a glimpse of another girls heels in the house that was definitely not yours.

"I need to tell you something...."

"What is it???"

"I know this sounds stupid for me to say and it's something that you would say but I think we should break up, thanks for making me experience what love feels like" you smiled your tears off and walked away ignoring his shouts.

He ran up to you and grabbed your hand.

"Is it because of the kissing?? I can fix it, just please don't leave me" he begged but you just turned around and slammed the door to your house.

Bye, my first love...


Months have passed ad you started to get over the feelings but not fully yet. You were walking away from the cafe with your frap and fished out your phone that was ringing.


"Oh! ____! It's me Woozi, have you seen Wonwoo anywhere??" he asked as you thought for a moment.

"Ah~ we broke up, no I haven't seen him" you casually said as something went thump.




"He never came to practice and he's not picking up. We are all very mad at him." he said as you just nodded.

"I will go check him..."

"JINJA!? Komawo~ chingu~" he said as you just ended the call. I can't believe I just said that, crap.

You walked to his house and knocked on the door, no answer. Then you picked the copy of the house key and opened the door to his house and went up the stairs expecting him to be kissing another girl but instead he was just crying with a knife in his hands.

"What are you doing!?" you shouted in fright as you took the knife away from him which made his eyes grow bigger.

"______!?" he shouted as he hugged you making you fall to the ground from his heavy pressure and drop the knife.

"Oh...I'm so so so sorry....I'm sorry....." he cried as you just awkwardly patted his back.

"But can you please-" he fainted in your arms which made you shocked to feel his burning face.

You struggled to pick him up but succeeded after minutes, you got a cold towel and placed it on his head. You stroked his head and watched him sleep talking.

"I'm sorry.....I didn't mean to hurt you...." he whispered as a tear rolled down your cheeks, you closed your eyes and leaned your head down on the side of the bed falling asleep.


You woke up and saw him still asleep, you quietly took your bag and opened the door knob but warm arms rested around your waist.

"Please don't go...I'm sorry _____. I missed you ever since you left my side, I thought my feels were just trying to play with your heart but it was sincere. I haven't been able to go out with another girl since you've broke up with me..." he said as you turned around to see tears in his eyes. You wiped them with your sleeves and looked into his eyes, not saying a word.

"So...I will treat you like my queen, please can we get back together??" you hesitated for a moment but his sincere eyes just made you melt every second.

"Fine..." you sighed as he kissed your lips in an instance.

"I love you _____"

"I...love you too, Wonwoo-yah...." you whispered back which made him smile.

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