Hoshi (mukespiercingsbaby)

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My gosh my gosh I'm late! I forgot to give my sister her lunch bag!

"Hello, I'm _____'s sister....she left her lunch bag in the dance room" I urgently said as the guards inspected me.

"Ah! The new trainee! Okay go right in honey" they smiled as I bowed and rushed inside. I was about to go in but a guy rushed me into another room.

"I was looking for you! Go in and quickly style their hair! They need to get up in 30 minutes!" a guy said as I was in a daze.

"But I'm not the hair styli-"

"UGH JUST GO! Newbie's these days, ugh" he left me there dumbfounded with 13 guys, wait...there seventeen...but what the heck, why am I even here.

"Oh! You must be our new hair stylist!" a guy said as he dragged me to the others. Everyone greeted me very nicely except for this guy which I recall is Hoshi.

"What's your name??"

"K- Katie..."



After working as a "hair stylist" for 5 hours changing there style for the concert, photo shoot, and interview this tired me so badly. I mean this is not even my job! I'm just a patisserie half sister's manger and look what happened!! It would of been fun if Hoshi! Wouldn't have disturbed me and just gave me cold looks and stuff.

"Thank you guys! Now that's a wrap, See you tomorrow!" the guy that dragged me here said as I came up to him.

"Good job newbie!"

"I'm not a newbie, I was just here for ______ the new trainee, I was gonna drop off her lunch bag but I ended up here" I said as his jaw dropped.

"I'm so so sorry, uhhh so your her manager??"

"No- kind of more like I'm her sister..." I said as he bowed.

"I'm sorry, the director said a newbie hair stylist will come to fill in our old one who's sick right now. Here! Take this" he said as he gave you money.

"Excuse me I don't nee-"

"Bye!" he shouted as he ran off with the other staff. My god that man needs to listen for once.

I was walking out on the phone apologizing to my sister an telling her about what happened. After minutes she hung up and someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I looked around and found Hoshi in front of me.

"Ummm what do you want??"

"So your not the new hair stylist???"

"Yeah...I'm not..."

"But I have another job for you..."

"What is it??"

"To be my girlfriend" he said as my eyes widened, I waited for a moment for him to laugh and say it was a joke but his eyes were so fixed on mine until I got a glimpse of the other guys and they looked at me like "gurl~ you better say yes" and so I did, I mean why not he is ma bias.

"Sure" I said as he gave me a hug as the others smiled and just left.

"I love you Katie"

"I love you too'

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