Hansol (Nessie_fox)

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"Let's go please~" Hansol begged me as he grabbed onto both my legs as he sat down on me making it impossible for me to move.

"AHHH FINE!" I gave in as he gave me a kiss and cheered around the house, he was begging me for the past hour to visit the dorm so he can introduce or more like brag in front of the boys.

"Thank you~ thank you~" he sang as he laid 100's of kisses all over my face making me blush.

"Okay okay." I pushed him off as he pouted at me and turned away to get his jacket. We just came back from our date and I really want to change but I have no choice but to get ready.

I groaned as he pulled me and ran to the dorm that was 5 minutes away from our house.

We went in and he pressed on the doorbell making me hella nervous, everything was like the movies when it's in a extreme slow motion XD.

The people flung open the door an they each introduced themselves s I did the same...forgetting everything I thought would happen from before.

"Come in noona~" Dino said as he grabbed me over to the rooms as Seungkwan did the same taking me around the places.

"I think I need some help" I awkwardly smiled at Wonwoo as he turned back from Mingyu and just smiled.

"I guess you need to deal with the sassy's so suck it up will ya'?" he asked as I groaned in frustration as they did this non stop going out of rooms and touring me around while they gripped my arms.

"Foods ready!??!??!?!??!" some of the bored boys shouted as Joshua and Jeonghan came out with dishes to serve the others including me.

I walked up to the crowded kitchen and tried to sit down beside Hansol-

"Since your new why don't you sit beside me, you always sit beside hansol and you two even live together" Woozi and Seungkwan said as I smiled and went over to them as they made space in between the two. Very cute and fluffy for their age, huh?

After our dinner everyone suggested to watch a movie and I agreed as I happily sat down and the others fought of who would sit with me until coups and Joshua plopped down...the two bias's AHHHHHHHHHH.

I happily watched the movie as they whispered things to me that were hilarious.

Hansol's P.O.V.

I pouted as I sat down on a chair watching Nessa enjoying her stay with the others and she didn't even look, talk, and sit with me for the whole day from when we got here and it's making me frustrated.

I sighed as I turned my head and tried to fall asleep.

Nessa's P.O.V.

The movie ended and everyone fell asleep except for me, I pulled the boys arms away from my waist and walked over to Hansol. Man I didn't even speak to him for the whole day...

I shook his shoulders since it's getting late and we do need to go back right now.

He peeked at me and stood up as he just headed to his room without saying anything to me.

"Oppa?" I asked as I followed him inside his dorm room.

"Wae?" he asked with a very angry tone scaring me a bit. What's going on with him? Ii asked myself as I looked at him to see him with a pout but I can tell his eyes were on flames.

"Ummm why are you mad?" I asked him as he turned around and faced me as we both sat on his bed.

"Do you love me?" he asked me a stupid question making me look at him with a face.

"Of course I do" I stated as I pulled him into a hug as he hesitantly hugged back.

"Then don't flirt with the other guys" he pouted as I smiled at his cuteness, now I get why he asked if I loved him.

"Okay okay" I laughed as he pulled away and gave me a peck on the lips.

"You get jealous easily" I said as he pulled away and pouted.

"Well, it shows how much I love you so deal with it" he said as I nodded and snuggled on the bed with him.

"I love you"

"I love you too, Nessa" 

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