Bias short scenarios

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First scenario!

It was another snowy day and there was nice and clean layers of snow out side! but the negative side is that the snow's too deep so we had to shovel it up.

I got up from my bed ignoring the fact that my husband ______ is not lying beside me and looked outside the window. Yes it's beautiful but dang....the snow did fall really heavy yesterday night.

I decided to go downstairs and grab a hot chocolate while sitting down on the comfy couch but the note on the table distracted me from my plan.

Go into the guest room and look out the window from there and bring that hot chocolate, it's for you. I love you ______! <3

I blushed at ______'s note and grabbed the hot cocoa and headed upstairs to the empty guest room and peeked out the window.


"I LOVE YOU ________!!!!!" he shouted out as he revealed what was under the thin sheets and he shoveled "i love you ______" into the snow.

I looked at him almost crying and rushed down the stairs and out to our backyard as he had his arms wide open greeting me with a big and warm embrace.

"I love you tooo!!!!!!!!______!" I shouted out as he pulled away with a big grin on his face. The happiest smile I've ever seen on him.

Second Scenario

I was on the phone with ________ and just listening to his voice makes my heart beat go crazy and I can't stay still so I've just been walking around the house, hands sweaty as I managed to get a hold of my phone while talking to him. Man, this smile wouldn't come off my face :)

"And.......I think I have someone I like!" he squealed making me almost trip on my nest step.

"O- oh that's great...." I said with a sarcastic voice but he was a bit too dense to notice it and continued on and on about her.

"I can introduce her to you! She might be coming. Will you come?"

I thought for a second....can I actually be able to handle this heart break? But then....he was begging for me to go.

"S- sure..."

"Ummm can you come.....right now??"

".....uhhh yeah..." I agreed. I had to! I mean....I'm curious to see her anyways, she sounded perfect when he was describing her.


After some hard time I got over there and hesitated to knock on the do- OH! Okay...he just swung it open....

"_____!" he hugged me tightly. 

"Come in!" he smiled as he lead me inside his...empty living room. Da hell? Is she not here yet?

"So do I have to wait for her?" I asked as I looked at him who almost jumped out of his skin trying to hide something behind his back....what is that doe...

"N- no...she's already here" I became silent, well, I have nothing to say from here.

"Ummmm she's right here. Isn't she beautiful???" he blushed as he handed me a


?_? da heck....

-_- wait....




"Moya~ you almost made me cry~" I looked down in embarrassment as he pulled me into an embrace.

"Sorry....but I just wanted to confess"

"I love YOU ______. Will you accept my confession?" he asked me as I gave him a glare that gradually turned into a grin.

"Yes. I love you too. But don't ever trick me like that again!"

"Okay okay.....I promise" he smiled giving me a kiss on my forehead.

Third Scenario

Since the first time me and _____ have been dating which was the last 5 years I would ask each time on his birthday what he wants and he always replies with the same thing.

"I already have you so I don't need a present" 

At first I was happy but the rest of the four years he kept on saying the same thing and it half annoyed me while the other half I felt bad because he gets me goodies and I don't get to give him much.

And so today, his 6th birthday I expected the same answers from his mouth as I asked the same question.



"What do you want on your birthday?" I asked looking at the people in the park totally not interested with his obvious answers....but this was the most unexpected answer ever.

"Well~ I want you to say yes!" What is he talking about? I looked behind me and he wasn't there but down on is...not a movie. 

"So for my birthday~ I want you to say the question WILL YOU MARRY ME ______?" he smiled making me drop my bag.

O_O (omg, gurl you making bigger eyes then dyo's)

"Yes!" I cried as he slipped the ring on to my finger and kissed me.

"Thank you for your gift. I'm truly thankful" he blushed as I smiled.

"It's not just your gift....but it's also my gift for you to become my husband"

(Bonus) *so you can fangirl a bit more?*

I was on the phone with my boyfriend ________ and somehow he magically forgot to end the call and I was about to end it but I stopped my finger when I heard him talk to his roommate _______. For curiosity I eavesdropped  his conversation but ended up dead...cuz he was talking about how beautiful and flawless I am. Doesn't really sound like me but if he says so then I'll take it.

Second Bonus :p

I was looking for a pencil and a ruler for art class tomorrow in my boyfriend ______'s drawers until I randomly glimpsed at a big jar in the big drawers.

I took it out of my curiosity and noticed it was all small pieces of paper each with a coloured ribbon.

And on the jar was writings that said 

"300 reasons of why your the best and favorite in my life"

I blushed red as the doors were quietly opened.

"Wh-....Hey! I made that to give it to you not to be found out about it by you!" he rushed over and looked at me with a red face, even redder then mine.

"Sorry, but it's cute. Never thought you can make these things." I smiled as he just took the jar back.

" only saw this one jar?" I just looked at him. What is he talking about?

"Yeah....what are you talking about?" I asked as he started digging into his drawers and he took a two smaller jars.

"....uhhhh cuz....I made more...." he grinned as I went to give him a hug.

"Awww thank you...."

"My pleasure, these are for the most beautiful girl I've ever seen"


Which ones are your favorite? 

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