Hansol (lorMJack)

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YEAH! IT'S SUMMER BREAK!!!!! I promised Hansol to go to his house since he pleaded for me to go. 

I walked up to his house and was greeted by a big hug.

"Hehe, Hi Hansol oppa" I smiled as he let go and just smiled at me.

"Hey, Lor~" he said as he entered the house as he pulled me in with him.

"What do you want me here, it's only 4 pm..." I said as I sat down on the couch to find popcorn, drinks, and bunch of movies.

"I just want to hang out with you, now pick a movie!" he exclaimed as he sat next to me as I looked through the movies...up...monsters inc....lord of the ring....despicable me...inside out...yeah inside out is good.

"Inside out!" I said as I looked behind me to face Hansol that's only a few inches away from me.

"S- sorry....yeah I love that movie" he awkwardly coughed as I laughed.

"The wrapper is still not off dummy" I giggled as I threw the wrapper away and put the disk in the player.

"Numoohe~ (that's mean~)" he pouted as I smiled and sat right next to him as he laid a small blanket on both our laps as we started to watch the movie.


After we finished watching the movie Hansol looked at me and smiled.

"Aren't you hungry??? It's like 6 right now..." he said as I nodded as we both stretched.

"The movie was fun...watching it with you" I smiled and I swear I saw his cheeks become red....please tell me that was real.

"Thanks. Now let's order pizza" he said as I nodded like a child, who can even resist pizza~

He called the pizza place as I fiddled with my phone but when he was done he came up to me.

"I need to use the bathroom, I hadn't washed in a long time so when it comes you can go open it and start eating" he said as I nodded.

"Bye~" I sang as he waved and disappeared up stairs.


After the food came I opened it to see the most unexpected thing, on the inside the empty board said "Will you be my girlfriend or is this too cheesy~" I had my hands covering my face until warm hands surrounded my waist as water droplets landed on my shoulder.

"So~" I looked back and saw Hansol with damp hair as he looked at me from my shoulder.

"I would love to say yes..." I whispered as my voice broke which made him laugh.

"I love you so much Lor~"

"I love you too, Hansol oppa. And what you did there was smart" I smiled as he kissed my lips.

"Thank you" he whispered as he hugged me.

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