YO Bias

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Bias's P.O.V.

Hey, I'm a hard working husband of two kids along with a wife.

These days I've realized I've changed big time.

I didn't treat my wife like I used to and I just didn't see her as the person I dearly loved and promised to love for the rest of my life. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm cheating on her or something....it's just...my love for her has lessened.

But not only that. I'm starting to push my kids away from me. I shut them off and try my best to ignore them. I know their still young and their at the age of being very loud around the house but that just doubles my stress from my reality. 


It's 7 pm and work let me go early but I just hung around at the park for the 3 hours just being lost in my thoughts.

I lazily opened the door and faced my upset wife.

"It's really late right now, _____. Are you okay? They let you go home at 4 by why did you just come home n-"

"I'm really tired right now....can you please....just stay quiet...." I rudely cut her off and she didn't say anything but she was hurt, I can see it in her eyes.

It broke my heart but something took over and I felt like I was being controlled. My heavy legs took me up the stairs and I was now faced with two kids.

"Appa! Your home!" they shouted and hugged me...but I didn't hug back.

Usually I would hug them and play with them no matter how tired I am....but now that's changed and I shook them off me and just showed a smiled, a fake one too. 

The smile was so fake that even a baby can notice and frown at it, being extremely hurt.

I couldn't bring back my old self at all. I was a total different person and that scared me....but if it's haunting me and scaring me that I changed into this kind of person....then how would my loved ones take it.

I went in my room and closed the doors behind me. I threw my bag to the side of the door and laid flat on the king size bed falling in a deep sleep.


*beep beep*

 *geunikka nae mareun neoreul da algo sipeo neoreul noraehae U Hoo neoreul noraehae U Hoo*

My alarm went off and I sat up looking around the room trying to adjust my eyes to the bright light from the windows.

I heaved a big sigh "another tiring day, huh?".

I crawled out of bed and took a quick shower and put on my clothes and got my bag for work.

"_____?? Eena! Kyungwoo yah!" I called out my wife's name and  my children's but they didn't respond to me.

I went over to the kitchen and grabbed an apple and looked around for a note to inform me what's going on but there was none.

I shrugged it off thinking that they forgot because it was urgent since they stay at least 30 min. more after I go to work and she sends the kids to pre school.

Maybe I should ask Nami (co-worker) who has a child going to the same pre-school that my kids go to. Maybe they have a field trip.


I got there and had stacks of work to do.

And when I had time I asked her and she was looking at me extremely weirdly like I'm a psychopath.

"What!" I stopped asking my question a blurted out a "what" since she was making me way~ too uncomfortable.

"You don't have kids! You don't even have a wife and what the hell are you talking about!? Stop being a freak!" I froze....actually what is she talking about?

"I do have kids and a wife! Don't you remember _____ and my loud children Ena and Kyungwoo!" she raised one eye brow and furiously shook her head.

"Your just crazy man. You've been single for years and years.....maybe your getting lonely and starting to-"

"SORRY! Whatever. I'll just talk to my other co-worker...." she put her hands up like she's surrendering from a big war and shrugged it off getting back to her work.

Seriously. Someone tell me what's going on. I mean, I've known Nami for 10 years and I seriously have no idea why she doesn't know my family.

I turned away and looked for Haewon and I spotted him drinking water near the water fountain.

"Hey _____. What's up?"

"I don't know why but Nami kept on denying that my wife and childre-"

He spit his water on the ground and laughed.

"Y- Your! BUhahahah you don't have a family! What are y- hahahhaahaha" he laughed like a maniac and dropped to the ground.

What the hell!? What is this!? 

Ugh, if this is a prank then I'm going to kill them.


I came back home and shouted out their names while turning on the lights that should have been on the whole day.


I sighed.....I took a moment and just stood in the living room.

Everything seems so quiet....maybe too quiet and it creeps me out a lot.

"No, no...I'm just....dreaming? I mean all these memories....their real. They have to be real. And this HAS TO BE A DREAM!" I was panicked and my heart was thumping uncontrollably.

I hurried to my bed and tried to calm myself by falling asleep as pathetic thoughts came haunting me.


"Ahhhhh!" I woke up breathing heavily.

"Yeobo??" I looked to my side and saw my wife sitting up from the bed beside me, I've been longing to see her again.

Without responding I hugged her tightly not letting go.

"I'm sorry....I'm really sorry....." I whispered into her ear as my heart settled down from the panic attack.

"Uhhh.....Jagi? What happened?" she pulled away and examined my sweaty face, very pale, almost looking sick.

"Nothing.....nothing....." I smiled feeling a bit dizzy until we heard loud crashing noises downstairs, very loudly audible even if it's a long distance from our bedroom to the.....wherever the kids are making a mess at.

We made a short eye contact and got off the bed hurrying downstairs finding our children playing around with the bowls.

"Look appa! Do I look like mom!" our daughter Ena exclaimed with the metal bowl over her head while she wore her moms red high heels, dancing around the kitchen with a cute gummy smile.

I smiled at her and picked her up and gave her a big hug

Yeah...I missed her...a lot

"Attack!! Fight the demons!" we turned around facing our son with a plastic bowl on his head and a mini cutting board in his left hand while he held a wooden spatula on his right hand while doing crazy kicks and jumps.

______ picked him up and we all did a big, joyful family hug laughing in contentedness.

Thank you weird dream. For getting me back! (all though it was way to weird and not a nightmare kind but more of a "wtf" dream....to be honest).

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