Hoshi (king002)

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It's the day where people are asking others out, it's valentine's and even the single teachers are asking each other out except~ for muah....-_- actually...I have these chocolates for Hoshi but he said that he had someone he liked and it's my friend Seoyun and she's the queenka of the school. You know, like it's the movies she's obviously pretty,rich,smart,nice, and she's just...ARGHH PERFECT! I'm literally no match for her cuz I'm just weird,selfish,poor,alien,and I have a big frame unlike her who's all skinny and petite...but she's my BFF and I can't do anything about it.

I heaved another heavy sigh as I walked down the hall looking like a lone exo kid (I can't stop laughing in amusement XD I WAS going to type emo not exo XD.....But I'll keep it XD).

Hoshi's P.O.V.

I cursed in my head and punched myself, I can't believe I did this. My plan FREAKING BACKFIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The plan was to make her jealous and get her to confess to me since I knew she likes me now *evil grin* but it obviously back fired and I feel SO FREAKIN BAD!

I sighed as I watched her from a window and saw a box of chocolate thrown away and I can see the writing that said"TO. Hoshi <3". My heart broke in that instance and I don't know, I just stomped over to her so mortified about myself as I held her wrist.

She turned around surprised to see me.

"I'm sorry Keen! Forgive me please! Ahhh I'm sorry so sorry mainhae~"

Keen's P.O.V.

Hoshi knelt down in front of me and looked at me with puppy eyes as he held my hands tightly while apologizing.

"What are you doing!? Get up!" I scolded him as I peeked at the people who were laughing at us.

He finally stood up and I kicked his ankle.

"What was that about!?" I said in a whispering manner as he glared at me and took me somewhere else.

"I was just...apologizing for...ummmm just....*sigh* SCREW THIS AND SCRATCH THAT!.....uhhh W- will you b- be my...valentine??" he blushed crimson as he looked down giving me a shy hug and I guess it's just to hide his shyness.

I stood there...what the heck- was he playing with me??

"B- but Seoyun-"

"IT WAS A PLAN TO MAKE YOU JEALOUS!" He blurted out in hurry and my jaws dropped and I swear it touched the ground.



"I'm sorry I'm sorry."

"Why did you even want me jealous!?" My head was starting to heat up and he didn't give me any immediate responses.


"W- well...cuz I wanted you to confess your feelings to me..." I stopped at that and gulped the huge elephant like lump as he stared at me with a small smirk.

"W- wha- what...feelings"

"Your love~ for me" he cooed as he did a dramatic sassy pose making me scoff and kick him again.

"Stupid..." Ii muttered as he smiled and gaveme another hug.

"And your answer is~"

"A....I will say" Hah! If he teases me then  I can tease him too "UMM A no!" His confident smiled turned upside down and he pulled away with a pout and discomfort showing in his eyes.


"Jk a yes boy" I laughed as I hugged him again as his stiff arms fell to his sides.

"Pabo, I said I love you and you teased me. This ones serious you know!"

"Ya ya, arraseo Hosh. I love you too" I smiled as he kissed the tip of my nose.

"I should never mess with you..."

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