Wonwoo (EricaHuynh)

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I'm sitting here watching the others dance to adore u in their dance room. I watched my boyfriend Wonwoo and I just kept on smiling every time he would look at me.

As the song finished I got out the food for the members.

"I'm tired~ Let's go get some food~" Ming Hao whined as I just smiled, I held up the bags of chicken and everyone brightened up.

"My best friends the best!!!" DK exclaimed as he gave me a simple hug.

"YEAH!! ERICA'S THE BEST! Thank you!" everyone else childishly shouted as they each gave me a hug and dug into their food as Wonwoo smiled as he gave me a peck on the lips as I cleaned his sweaty face.

"You didn't have to buy us food, you know you need to pay a lot for 13 boys" he smiled as I just looked at him and pouted.

"I can do what I want, now go eat" I said as I pushed him to the others, I was going to sit with Wonwoo until my phone rang.

"If you need me I'm going to be outside the room" I said as I ran out and answered it.


"Donna got hit by a truck! Can you please come here! It's the ______ hospital room 301!" my eyes widened.

"Okay, wait here!" I said as I rushed inside and got everything.

"Jagiya! where are you go-" I cut Wonwoo off and ran out of the entertainment building.


I was walking back home with puffy eyes and a dry throat, the doctor said that Donna my sister wouldn't make it. They said to come back tomorrow at 10 but I just want to stay there and nurse her.

I went inside Wonwoo and my house and found him asleep on the couch, I forced a small smile as I looked at his sleeping face.

"Oppa, you need to go upstairs..." I whispered as I patted his shoulder.

"Mmm, where were you?" he asked in his hoarse voice as I just sighed.

"No where special. Come on, you need to go to a concert at 11 tomorrow. You need to sleep in a better place" I said as he just rubbed his eyes and hook his arms around my shoulder as he followed me to our bedroom.

He laid down as he pulled me with him which made me tired, after a while I fell asleep in his arms.


I woke up at 7 and safely got out of Wonwoo's arms. I walked out as I cleaned myself up and sat down on the kitchen table as I silently cried, before this the doctor called me.



"*sigh* I'm very sorry to say but....Miss.Donna passed away last night during the surgery...we need to get her safely out and it would take us about an hour so can you come at 8 please..." I dropped me phone and knelt down as tears were streaming down, my heart was beating and I got shivers down my spine.

"Y-....es..." I cried as we bid goodbye and hung up.

I had my head down as I crawled myself up into a ball on my kitchen chair.


I came back from the hospital and I swear I used a whole stick of concealer on my eyes. I feel so broken now but I need to smile for the people I love.

I went upstairs and woke Wonwoo up.

"Oppa...it's 10 right now..." I said as he groaned.

"Okay..." he whispered as he got up with his eyes still closed but he was conscious enough to kiss my lips and got ready to go.

After 10 minutes he took us out and drove for another 20 minutes to the entertainment.

"Bye~" I said as we separated our ways, me to see the concert and Wonwoo to perform on the concert. 


After the concert I clapped and cheered but the seventeen group stayed on the stage. What's going on?

"Hello! I'm Wonwoo from seventeen and I have a big confession to tell you guys. I have a girlfriend....and I want to show you what I've got to say to her. Please come up Erica!" I was in awe, everyone was looking around and I shyly stood up as I went up the stage to face a lot~ of people.

"So, Erica...I've heard that your sister Donna unfortunately passed away today.....and I couldn't bare to hear you cry so here I'am. This one thing I can help you less sad....I want to stay with you forever and help you through your sadness. So will you marry me?" I cupped my mouth as I heard chanting going on in the background, tears ran down my face as I nodded.

"Yes! Yes!" I shouted as he hugged me tightly as he gently put the ring through my ring finger as the fans cheered.

"This is the happiest day of my life...thank you Erica...I love you..." he whispered into my ear as I grinned.

"I love you too, Wonwoo oppa" I smiled as we bowed and left the stage.

"CONGRATS!!!!!" the other members shouted as they gave us a hug and teased us. I'm truly happy that I have Wonwoo in my life.

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