Hansol (NanaArriyna)

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(I know Hansol is still a teen but just for this story please think that he is 22 XD)

I finally came back to Korea~ Right now I just came out of the airport and I'm heading to my auntie's house.

I grabbed a cab and after about 30 minutes we arrived at her house, I gave money to the cab driver and thanked him after he helped me with my luggage. I turned around and headed up the stairs to see my auntie running up to me and giving me a hug.

"You've grown so much Nana!"

"Ahaha, yeah the last time I saw you I was...10 and finally now I'm 21" I smiled as I can see tears in her eyes which made me startled for a second.

"Come in, come in. Oh! And your mom wanted me to tell you your new university. You'll be going to _______ university tomorrow and here's the address" she said as I cursed to myself...-_- who would like to hear such a news. I took it and thanked her as I looked at it and got up to my room.

Huh...it's close to my elementary school, maybe I can meet my old friends!


I was at my university and damn this place is big~ I'm really nervous right now so I'm walking a little abnormally but someone hugged me really tightly.

"Nana!!" I turned back to see the most handsome guy but...who?

"I'm sorry but..who are you?" I asked as he pouted, he wasn't sad but he was just pouting.

"How could you forget me...Remember? I promised that I would marry you when you would come back to Korea!" he said as my eyes widened, wait...don't tell me he's-


I'm crying, I can't believe I have to leave Korea to follow my dad to _____.

"Nana~ It's okay. Oppa will promise to marry you when you come back" my crush or my brother's BFF Hansol said as he had his pinky out, I slowly finished the promise as he smiled and patted my head.

I am just 10 and he's just 11. I can't live without him, I have to come back quickly...

Flashback ending...

"Chwe Hansol..." I whispered as he sighed and smiled.

"Oppa!" I shouted as I gave him a hug.

"Haaha, finally you remember" he said as he gave me a kiss on the cheeks which made me blush, yeah I never got over him.

"Remember our promise right?"

"Y- yea..."

"Well, your auntie told me that you came back yesterday so I got this ready for you" he took out a a small red velvet box and I knew right away of what it was.

"Will you marry me Nana?" he asked as people surrounded us which made me embarrassed.

"Yes!" I obnoxiously shouted as he laughed and slid the right though my finger as he gave me a kiss which made everyone go crazy.

"I love you Nana"

"I love you too, oppa"

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