Dino (goldeen_maknaee)

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I was walking around with my little baby brother Max, I was holding him up since he's only 3 and was playing with him until he ran out of my arm.

"Max!" I shouted as I tried to keep up until he fell down and started crying but before I got there a guy was comforting him.

Dino's P.O.V.

I was taking a walk around the park until a little boy slipped near me. I rushed to him and picked him up.

"Are you okay little boy?"

"Wahhh~ Y- yes...." 

"Where's your mom?" I asked as he held his teddy bear.

"She's at work..." Hhahaha, good to know.

"Are you with anyone??"

"Yah my noo-"

"Max!" I looked up as a girl picked him up and fixed his hair as she wiped his tears, wow she's beautiful.

"Thank you so much for your help." she bowed as I just smiled while I was just rubbing the nape of my neck.

"It's nothing...." I said as I wished I could spend more time with both of them.

"As a return of gratitude can I buy you some ice cream?" she asked as I happily nodded like a child. Aish she might think I'm a 11 year old.

"What are we waiting for, let's go~" the boy...I think Max whined as she just laughed, her laugh was so gentle like an angels.

We went to the ice cream parlor and got some ice cream as we laughed and talked about a lot of things as she took a good care of her...brother? Wait don't tell me that's his son, oh god please no.

"So...I- is Max your brother??" I asked as I had my fingers crossed.

"Ah, yes! He's just 3" I sighed at her answer, thank god Lord is on my side.


Time passed and I had to get ready for our next concert today.

"I'm sorry I need to go but we can hang out an another day" I smiled as I gave her my phone number.

"Yeah, but I'm going to your concert today" she smiled as my eyes widened, wait she recognizes me?

"Wait you know me?"

"Yeah, your my bias" she shyly smiled as I nodded and waved a goodbye.

"Thank you!" I shouted as Max and she waved a goodbye...-_- great spent an hour with her and I don't even know her name!?

Dumb of me, but! I think I fell in love with her, got to know her better!

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