Joshua (xGentleJoshuax)

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Another day at the hotel, I've been here for a couple days before I get to move into my aunt's house.

Drowning in boredom and having no where to go I just thought of walking near the hotel to explore a bit and got my clothes on and walked out.

I went down to the main floor to be greeted by screams and running around the lobby, but I was too late to look over at the direction and was pushed down by someone.

I stood up and saw a glimpse of girls running over closer and closer, I looked back at the person and his hat fell off revealing his face-...holy crap it's Joshua from seventeen!!!

Without a second thought I grabbed his hat and his hand while running up the emergency stair case up to the floor my rooms at.

Good thing I'm at a low floor cuz I'm REALLY out of breathe. As I got to the door for the 3rd floor Ii entered it with Joshua and opened my room with the card and hurried even more as I heard the screaming coming closer from the other side of the stair door.

After having it open I let him in and rapidly closed it.

"Are you okay??" I half shouted at him as he sat down on the floor looking terrified.

He didn't say anything and caught his breathe a couple times as he went to the door to open it which I stopped.

"You can't. Their still out there" he looked at me with the same eyes he looked at with the sasaengs.

"I'm not a crazy sasaeng either" I smiled as he nodded and sat back down on the floor.

I slowly gave his hat back to him and sat next him handing him a water bottle.

He took and drank the whole thing in one go and thanked me.

I sat closer to him and looked over at the other side of the room, my bias is sitting beside me. IMPOSSIBLE!

"Sooo...thanks for saving me...." he started a conversation and I smiled at him.

"No problem..." 

"Ummm I need to go so...yeah see you on Monday" he smiled as he opened the door and ran out not letting me finish my goodbye, I'm pretty upset. He didn't have to go yet...and what does he mean by Monday??

I looked down with disappointment but on the ground was something. I picked it up and carefully examined the papers and it was a- a....A CONCERT TICKET AND A SIGN!?!??!?!?!


*bzzzzz mental breakdown bzzzzzz skip bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

Well....I'm excited- *cough* *cough* voice-


Well...he left me a small note saying "see you soon sweetie :)" //*^*// 

I died...

See you later too, Joshua XD

Well, better choose my clothes then right?? -_-

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