S.coups (chexnsa)

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You are hwang eunbi from gfriend.


"Okay class! You guys will be doing a partner project-"

"Yeahhhh!" the others cheered as they started to talk to their friend, i rolled my eyes as Ii stared back at the teacher who rolled his eyes at the noise.

"QUIET!...and the partners are already picked by me and the project is to take care of a robotic baby for a experience for your future. Now of course it's going to be 1 male and 1 female right? So, without a further a do I will be telling you guys your partners so no interrupting."

"Uhhhhhhghhhhhhhhh" everyone groaned and slammed themselves against their chairs and desk as the teacher called partners.

"Yoonsae and Jungan. Minah and Youngnam."

It went on and on and I started yawning, just please not be someone i don't know-

"And...Eunbi with S.coups!" My eyes searched for coups. The guy that never talks to me.

He looked at me and just stared at my face like I'm some kind of alien.

I retorted my attention back to the teacher who was carrying on with the project details and giving the robot babies out to the girls as I felt quite uncomfortable with s.coups's stares.


It's finally the weekend now that the bell already rung but I'm not happy and hyper like usual but pretty depressed -_-;;.

I feel really nervous on talking to s.coups. He seems pretty scary since he doesn't really talk to people other then his 12 other friends (a lot of friend).

I groaned in frustration and made a derp face as I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

I turned around while holding the same face as I faced....coups. Goddammit this always happens when I'm with someone good freakin lookin.

"Ha- your face..." he whispered and let out a small chuckle making me embarrassed, I heard that! " Anyways...ummm do you want to get to work with the baby, I mean it starts from today. And we need to stay in the same dorm rooms."

I awkwardly nodded at him and gave the robot to him, we haven't turned it on yet so it's pretty quiet on the way to my room of the dorm.

After a minute of walking that literally felt like 30 minutes we got to my room and turned the robotic thing on and surprisingly it was quiet for hours.

Soon we were ready to go to bed until there were loud crying and screaming coming from the baby.

I stood up in panic and gave it a fake milk bottle, nothing.

I changed it's diaper, nothing.

"Dummy! Give me that!" he said out loud making me annoyed and even more panicked.

"Well what am  I supposed to do?!" it was crying louder and louder and so I "handed it to him"....by throwing it at him.


"I'm sorry!" 

This went on and on until it was 4 in the morning. Good freaks that it was only Saturday -_-.

I look like Tao except my eye bags reached the floor and my hair was messy, but on the other side s.coups had messy hair and sleepy eyes but that just makes him even more freakin hotter when I'm just a panda sitting in the corner.


"How much longer do we need to take care of this crap...it's not even real..." I heard mumbling from coups and nodded along with him as i watched the outside get a bit more brighter then 10 minutes ago.

"Go back to sleep coups" I said with a raspy voice as he lied down on my roommates bed.

This, is going to be a long~ week.


FINALLY! It's over!

We happily gave the robot to the teacher and had our scores printed out for us.

And everyone got a 98-10 EXCEPT for us! We got a...85 -_-

I sighed as Ii got out for lunch and apologized to scoups because the remaining minus's is from me because of the mishandles >_<.

"It's okay it's okay Eunbi-yah. It's still a B not like C-." he laughed it off as I gave another bow.

"Oh what am I supposed to do to repay this bad mark" I worried as he put on a big grin like he was planning on doing something.

"OH! BUT! There's ONE thing you can do for me to repay your "sin"."

I looked up at him and awaited for his punishment? Evil dare? Embarrassment?

"To go out with me" he smirked as he gave me a wink.

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