Jeonghan (dreammyygirl09121998)

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Jeonghan's P.O.V.

I'm not needed in this world. No one has ever liked me, even my parents. People make fun of me for a lot of reasons and the girls Ii like are disgusted of me.

Tears rolled down as I was walking to school until I looked over to the cars...maybe I can end this for good.

I walked in front of a car and closed my eyes.

Your P.O.V.

I was happily walking up to school as I saw a guy standing in front of a running car.

I dropped my bag and ran to it and grabbed him before the car hit him and it ran away cursing at him.

"A- are you okay!?" I shouted as he looked up at me.

"I- I'm sorry for burdening you-"

"Why did you do such a thing!?"

"I- it...i-" he stuttered as he looked down.

"It's don't have to say it." I sighed as I got up and limped over to get my bag.

"A- are you okay? You're bleeding!" he shouted as I looked over to see my legs bleeding.

"Yeah..." I said as I took out my first aid kit and wrapped it up.

"I'm so so sorry" he whispered as I can tell he's about to cry.

"Yah! If you cry I will hurt myself again. Aigooo" I sighed as he helped me up.

"We go to same school? Why haven't I seen you before?" I asked as he just looked down.


We walked all the way to school and there's still 10 minutes lef-

"Unni!! What's going on with your leg!!!"

"Did that nerd to that!?"

"Hey! It's Jeonghan! Why are you with _____?"

"Guys! Guys! He's a friend, don't be so mean" I said as they dropped their jaws.

"Ugh" they rolled their eyes and walked away from us.

"You're lucky you've got friends" Jeonghan whispered as I widened my eyes.

I grabbed his arm and lead him to a quieter place.

"Are you serious? Lucky? They are using me just because I came from a wealthy family." I huffed as he nodded.

"Let's go back to class. And if anything happens tell me, okay!?"

"O- Okay..."


A month has passed and I've grew feelings for Jeonghan, he's different. Very honest which I like about people. These days there's so many lies that it hurts to even look at those kind of people.

I walked up to Jeonghan and smiled.

"Hey ______" he smiled as I looked into his eyes.

"Hey..." I sighed as he stared at me.

"What's wrong?" he asked as I shook my head, I can't tell him that I like him.

"Well I have a confession to make."

"What is it Jeonghan?"

"I love you" he said as I stopped walking and stared at him in shock.

"Will you be my girlfriend" I can see that he's extremely nervous so I smiled to ease him.

"Yes!" I shouted as I went over to hug him.

"I love you ____"

"I love you too, Jeonghan-ah..."



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