Wonwoo (Xii_han)

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Since Wonwoo debuted he was hella busy and barely got to me. I've been down for some time until a transfer student, Kangmin came and he became my best guy friend in a month.

For the past days Wonwoo didn't call or message me, even reply to any of mine which is so EXOtic (sorry XD I'm also an Exo-L) since he would always call or message but I shook it off when Kangmin called me over to the park.

Wonwoo's P.O.V.

These couple days I've heard from my friends that go to the same school as Hana has told me that Hana has been going out with this new guy Kangmin and they seem very close in their perspective.

I ignored her calls and messages, I can't even get mad at her since it's my fault that I left her all alone even if I had 5 hours of free time.

I cried in my room until someone opened the door, it was Jun.

"Bro, you okay!?" he asked as I just nodded.

"What's wrong??"

"It's just...I'm a little jealous of Hana's relationship between her guy friend. I haven't seen her in a while too." I said as he just patted my back.

"Wait for a minute..." he suddenly rushed out of the room and gave me time to rest on my bed.

Jun's P.O.V.

Wow, I've known Wonwoo for a long time and I've never seen him cry. I got to call Hana.

"Hello? Hana-sshi..."

"Nae Jun oppa."

"Can you please come to the dorm? Wonwoo's crying-"

"Wait what!? Why-"

"I don't have that much time to explain, I need to go for a shoot so please just go and talk to him."

"N- nae...I'll be there as fast as I can."


We ended that call...I hope Wonwoo will be fine.

"Jun-sshi! We need to go!"


Hana's P.O.V.

"Kwangmin-yah, I need to go see ya!"

"K bye!"

I rushed to the dorm and went inside with Joshua's help.

I opened the door to Wonwoo's room and there were tissues everywhere, I closed the door and saw he was looking up with his arms covering his face.

"Who is it..."

"It's me...Hana" I said as he stood right back up and looked at me.

"H- Ha....na..." he said as I just looked at him for a second.

"What's wrong? Why haven't you answer my phone calls and messges??"

"I- I thought that....you....left me...." he said as I looked at him with a weird face.


"B- but...my friends told me that you had a guy friend and you two were really close...." he said as you laughed really hard.

"W- what!?"

"You're just too cute....he's....gay..." I said as his eyes widened.


"HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAH" I laughed until he picked me up in the air.

"You troll" he smiled as he gave me a kiss on the lips.

"This is why I love you..." I said as he blushed.

"I love you too, Hana" he smiled as he gave me another kiss.

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