Jun (coolunicorn1001)

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I was walking my puppy until he ran away from me. I chased him ad shouted his name until he was being patted by guy, a handsome one.

"Sorry..." I smiled as I took the leash that was on the ground.

"Nah, it's fi-" he stopped as my dog was peeing on his shoes.

"Omo! I'm so sorry!" I said as he looked a little shocked.

"I- It's okay..." he said as I felt bad.

"You know I have another pair of shoes at my house you can use them..." I suggested as I gave him some tissues.

"It's fine."

"No, you really should. It seems like you were going somewhere...come with me" I said as he came behind me as I had the dog with me not getting it near him.


I gave him my brother's pair of sneakers that he doesn't wear anymore and it was pretty new so it was fine.

"If you have any other problem please contact me" I said as I gave him my phone number.

"Uh...can I borrow the phone?? I forgot it at home..."

"Sure!" I smiled as I gave it to him and kind of listened but he was speaking in Chinese so I couldn't understand but I did hear one word that I understood...Piàoliang which means pretty in Chinese. Hmmmm is he referring it to me??

"Here, it was nice meeting you. And thank you" he smiled as he gave me a ticket. After he went out I looked at it until Ii squealed. It was a seventeen concert ticket but how-....Jun....that was Jun.

And for the rest of the day I've spent hours on what to wear for the concert tomorrow.

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