Wonwoo (kpopforeve1)

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I'm currently crying since my boyfriend broke up with me for another girl but now Wonwoo's sitting here trying to cheer me up.

"It's okay Samantha..."

"But he left me..." I cried as he sighed and rolled his eyes for the fifth time, I know I'm being really annoying and clingy but I can't help it. I gave everything for my first love but he wasn't loving me anymore.

"Samantha! You can't just be so clingy, you need to know how to move on!" he shouted as he made me shocked, he's never been angry at me but this is my first time seeing him angry.

"W- Wonwoo-"

"Are you blind!? There's someone that loved you even longer then that jerk and you really can't see that person care more about you!?" he shouted as he walked around my room in frustration which did scare me a lot.

"W- who could that person be?" I whispered as he sighed and sat in front of my on the floor.

"Do you really want to know? It can change your thoughts and behaviour in front of that person" he said as I nodded, I need to know since he just got me curious.

"It's....m-...m-" he got cut off when a phone call came in. I picked it up without looking at the ID to hear my ex.

"Samantha, I made a big mistake please take me back" I was really happy but that smile faded when I saw a glimpse of Wonwoo...tears vividly showing in his eyes as he looked at me with the most saddest eyes.

"I'm sorry. I have someone else now. Bye" I quickly said as I cut him off and looked straight at Wonwoo who was looking down on his knees.

"Finish...what you want to say..." I whispered as he looked pale.

"It's me...your so stupid to not notice my stupid actions." he said as he walked out of the room, made me completely shocked of his answers but before he closed the front door I grabbed him.


"Y- yes..." he said as he was looking down with a red face.

"If you promise to not break my heart then...I'll be happy to be your girlfriend" I said as he looked up with a blank face until he gave me a hug as I heard some sniffling.

"Don't tell me your crying"

"I'M JUST HAPPY! Don't make fun of me" he pouted as I smiled and gave him a hug back.

"I love you Samantha..."

"I love you too" I blushed as he gave me a kiss.

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