Mingyu (I_SM17E)

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wihfqwrighowrfjwrihfrwiojgwrjneorghognkdfqbndfvke I LOST MY GLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I kicked my blanket and looked around for the last time and my glasses was.no.where.to.be.found.

I sighed as I grabbed on to things to walk down stairs, without glasses I'm basically blind, everything's blurry and shtuff so...I need to call someone for help.

"Umma! I lost my glasses, how am I supposed to go to school!" I shouted out as I finally found a chair and sat down.

"Call Mingyu, he's a good boy" I rolled my eyes, using a human to help this person will get me no where.

I groaned in frustration as I fished out my phone and called Mingyu.


"Mingyu...ummm can you help me, I lost my...glasses" I confessed to him as I walked out of the house with my bag and sat down.

"Pick me up right now and you need to stick around with me, for the whole day until I find my glasses"

"Okay okay I'm coming" he said as we ended the call.

After a couple minutes I can hear footsteps in front of me, wow I really can't see well.

"Do you need my hand or something?" he asked as I hesitantly nodded, being with my crush...I'm happy I lost my glasses XD.

He had his big hands out as I laid my smaller hand on top as we started to walk to school until I hit my head on a pole.

"Ouch!" I whined as he grabbed me to the other side.

"You okay Althea?" he calmly asked as I nodded, I thought he would laugh his head off like usual but this time he's...different.

"Yeah" I blushed as he walked me to the school and of course I can hear girls whispering but I can't see very well so I can only see blurry figures around me without a particular expression.

Mingyu still grasped my hand as he walked in our classroom and obviously I can hear shocked noises.

Ugh, liking a kingka sure is bad -_- but he's my guy best friend so I dun care~.


It was after school and dang I ran into people, items, and animals. I sat down beside my friend and she was talking about her addiction with KPOP.

"Omg it's getting worse blah blah blah I think that I need to go to a hospital" I'm a big fan of Kpop and she wouldn't stop talking about Kpop and I knew longer, better, and more about her so I GOT A LITTLE BIT ANGRY.

"If your addicted to Kpop then what am I? A potato!? I was into Kpop since I was 8 and you started getting into it just this year! (true story)" I said as I heard giggles from others.

"*sigh* Let's go Kpop puppy" I followed the deep voice and it was Mingyu's.

"Okay" I said as I stood up and followed him by grabbing on to his shirt. The most awkward thing ever.

"I can't believe you actually shouted that out..." he said as  I blushed, can't believe I embarrassed myself in front of my crush.

"You know...how long am I supposed to be your guy best friend?" he asked as I stopped my walking and tried to look up at him who turned around facing me.

"W- why?" I stuttered as my blurriness cleared up a little better.

"I just....want to be your boyfriend. At first obviously I thought you were just another girl but you treated me like any other guys and that made me feel better since the others treated me like I'm a prince from a royal castle. And...your cute too..." I can't see him but I can tell his cheeks are red so I smiled and gave him a hug.

"It would be a pleasure to be your girlfriend" I blushed as he pulled away and kissed me on the lips.

This was going to be a good start of a love that blinded us both from the world and...me ^^ still can't find my glasses -_-'

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