Wonwoo (MixxRight99)

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I dragged my bag while limping to class complaing about the early school days and the annoying loud kids that I was going to face...in a minute.

I sighed as I slid the door open and was about to close it behind me until a hand stopped it, I looked up in surprise to meet up with dark brown eyes that belonged to a...

"Oh! I see you have already met up with the student teacher Yesha!" my teacher softly smiled at me as she was PALE.

"W-why is there a student teacher here?"

"Oh...he wanted to teach in this school, and I needed a short break. I haven't been feeling so well" she smiled as I nodded in concern and quietly went back to my seat in the midst of the students that is either sleeping, running around, being yappy and all.

Soon that all settled down when our teacher slammed the book down on her desk and glared at the people using the brooms as a sword at the back of the class as they sheepishly smiled and rushed back to their original seats.

"Well, Good morning students! Now I'm not so feeling well there will be a student teacher here to look out for you guys along with Mr. seungmoon. Come on in Mr. Wonwoo" she gestured him in and to my surprise he was catching everyones attention, especially the girls that gasped and started to whisper with their friends that sat near them.

"Choyong choyong! (quietx2)"  she shouted out as everyone turned to face her again.

"I'll be taking my leave and Mr. Wonwoo will be teaching for about a month. Now, if you misbehave he will inform me so don't underestimate anything!" she warned with her fingers as she grabbed her bag and coat heading out with a small bow at Mr. Wonwoo.

"Uhhh...Hi everyone. I'm going to be teaching for a month and please bare with me if I seem really off. I'm not so experienced since I only have teached 2 other classes. Jal butakkhe (please take care of me)" he shot wide smiles at everyone and they all nodded with grins as our first class started.


Apparently, it's lunch and Mr. Wonwoo became a big gossip thing and these girls have been making up these small fan club for him, AND HE ONLY CAME TODAY!

To my surprise even my friends were fangirling about him, except for me. I do admit he's really handsome and all but he's already 5 years older then me and I'm 18! And in my perspective he wouldn't be interested in us who are just fangirls-of-every-handsome-male kind of people.

I rolled my eyes at the insanely loud corruption of noises in the cafeteria so I decided to bring my food to the rooftop which is WAY MUCH quieter then this place. I grabbed my food and left without a warning since no one cared other then this big topic of Mr. Wonwoo, he's kind of getting on my nerves, he just seems like he's being innocent to grab attention since this school teachers are pretty strict and all.

I shook my head at everything that's going on as I stomped up the stairs and flung the door open looking for a clean space to sit and chill ou-



"Crap..." I muttered as I turned back on my heels and was thinking of leaving quietly without and disturbance just thinking of the library to go to other then eating at the cafeteria again.

"Stay." I froze on the door knob and turned back at him who was leaning on the railings looking out into the busy world.

"N- Nae?" I stuttered  as he turned around with a smile gesturing me beside him.

"I know your trying to find somewhere quiet. I'm sorry you can't eat comfortably back at the cafeteria" I hesitantly took steps up to him and smiled back.

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