Joshua (sashatrisa)

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I've been going to this school this boring old high school and I'm just a nobody so I always sit in the narrow lane near the outside of the school every break, no one really knows this place so I went today and found this guy sitting there as he was singing.

I fell in love with his voice, he looked handsome and very calm. But I noticed that he was wearing our uniform but...I've never seen him before, who is he?

I watched him sign with his guitar until he finished, I clapped as he stood up in fright. Still don't know him.

"'s just another girl..." he sighed as he glared at me and sat down again. I sat beside him giving him a tiny bit of space as I looked up in the sky....what should I say?

"Hey, your very talented....Joshua?" I said as I looked at his name tag for a second.

"You don't know who I am??"

"...I'm sorry, I'm not really good at recognizing people..." I said hoping he wouldn't be offended but instead he sighed in relief.


I turned away and watched kids playing around on the playground.

"Hey, what's your name?" he broke the cold ice as I looked at him so the cold wind wasn't blowing my face but my hair.


"You don't seem like your Korean...." he said as he inspected me.

"I'm half _____" I said as he nodded.

"So you can speak english too?"


" too, I was born in America." he smiled as my heart softened, he's not a mean person like all the other people that hate on me.

I smiled back as I examined him, very handsome.

I stood up which made him startled.

"The bells going to ring soon, we should get back" I said as I held out my hand for him to use for standing back up and he gradually took it as the bell rang.

"Wow your on time"

"Yeah, I come here everyday..."

"Oh...I found out about this place just the girl sitting here was you huh?"

"Yeah, probably" I smiled as I created space and walked away, he can't stay near me....he's going to know I'm a victim of those bullies, he can't get mixed with me.

I went inside to be eyed by my bullies.

"Huh! Ditching us again are you? Bitc-"

"Hey!" I looked back and found Joshua right beside me...but how? I shook him off a minute ago.

"Oh- oh....Joshua oppa....why are you here with that loser?"

"Who's the loser?"

"Her!" she pointed at me as I looked down embarrassed...he's gonna join them huh.

"Hey! That's rude! Your a loser if you say that! Now go!" he shouted as he grabbed my hand and walked away as people were whispering in the hallway and I heard the word kingka....oh~ that handsome kingka Joshua. How come he helped me?

"Jo- need to let me go..." I whispered as he turned around.

"So you're just going to stay there and just swallow the pain that they are giving you? No. I will be with you so ask me if anything and I mean ANYTHING happens call me." he said as he pushed me to my classroom.

"Okay..." I shyly answered as he waved and went to his class that's right beside mine.


Joshua's been hanging around me everyday and I fell in love with him but I just know that he's just being nice, he's a really nice person and I've seen him save other boys and girls from bullies...ha~ I'm just another helpless kid that needs a person to protect me.

I was walking down the hallway until other boys and girl surrounded me as they crossed their arms on me.

"How did you get Joshua to be with you these days. Body? Money? WHA T DID YOU DO TO HIM!" the people shouted as they pushed me against the locker which made me wince in pain as my back hit the locks on the lockers.

"Hey! What are you doing to my girlfriend!" I looked up and saw Joshua, as everyone made space for him to come through like he's the king of them.

"Girlfriend!? Ha! Is this like a romantic drama, prove it!" the girls shouted as he held up my chin and mouthed a sorry as he smashed he's lips on mine.

My eyes widened but I couldn't help but kiss him back. I looked around as the others gasped as the boys were disgusted so they pulled the crying girls with them.

"I like you Sasha" he whispered as I looked at him in shock.

"T- their gone you don't have to act-"

"Do I look like I'm acting? I do love you Sasha, you need to believe me." he said as he looked at me with sincerity which melted my heart like the first day.

"I love you too Joshua...." I smiled as he chuckled and gave me a hug.

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