Chapter One Hundred-Two

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The bunker was quiet when Cielo walked in with August at her heels. She looks around in wonder, thinking about how odd it was for it to be as quiet as it was. She closed the door behind August and led the way down the steps, just as Diana came in when she heard the door.

Diana gasped softly to herself, seeing Cielo in one piece. Right in front of her. She didn't even acknowledge the boy behind her before she ran to her sister and threw her arms around her. Cielo stumbled a bit, but hugged her back just as tight.

It was a terrifying time for all of them. From Cielo disappearing right after Charlie's funeral, killing 16 people in one day, the whole thing with Death, killing Death... it was a relief to be home in a place she knew better than any other place in the world aside from Bobby's burned down house. The place was clean now, no more piles of belongings that the Stynes had the intention of burning. No blood.

Cielo sniffed, hugging Diana as tight as she possibly could. Now that she was free of the mark, she felt so many emotions rushing through her with no barrier to stop them and dement them. Relief, worry for Sam, curiosity to where everyone else was..

Diana pulled back to look at Cielo, a small sigh coming past her lips when she looked at her. Cielo looked so tired. So sunken and on the verge of giving up. So, Diana gave her a small smile and a look that said 'everything is going to be okay', before reaching up to brush a piece of hair out of her face. Cielo smiled back, her eyes starting to brim with tears because Diana was there. Diana was okay.

"I missed you," Diana voiced softly, her words shaking a bit from the overwhelming emotion she was feeling in that moment.

Cielo chuckled tearfully. "I missed you, too," she replied.

"Are you... okay?" Diana asked. "Like really okay?"

Cielo sighed softly, already lifting the sleeve of her sweater. She knew what Diana was asking. She was asking if the mark was gone. "I told you guys to leave it alone," Cielo said, not an ounce of anger in her voice like there would've been days before. She lifted the sweater over her forearm, revealing the bare skin. No mark in sight.

Diana looked down, her eyes going wide as she reached for Cielo's arm. She examined it closely, almost daring the mark to pop back up and stain Cielo's arm again. "Yeah well," she said, still looking closely at her arm, "when do we ever listen?"

Cielo smiled, shaking her head and looking back at August, motioning for him to come to her. August did, walking over to her and standing next to her. "This is Augie," Cielo told Diana, already using the nickname he told her about in the car on the drive home. "We found him at the hospital. He's gonna be staying with us."

Cielo looked over at Augie. "This is Diana," she said. "My sister. She's around a lot."

Augie nodded, looking up at Diana for a few seconds before mumbling a small greeting. Diana smiled at him, waving at him to ease his anxiety the smallest bit before turning her attention back to Cielo.

"Where is everyone?" Cielo asked.

"Rowan's back on the road since the whole thing with the you-know-what, Ciana needed time for herself after Charlie," she explained. "And obviously, you know Dean and Castiel."

"And..." Cielo trailed off, her heart starting to pound in her chest.

Diana gave a small sympathetic sigh, already knowing what Cielo wanted to say.

Cielo's shoulders slumped before she looked over at Augie. "Why don't you go talk a walk around? Get a feel of the place," she offered.

Augie nodded, being the curious kid he was, and walked off, disappearing around a corner. Diana watched him go before turning back to Cielo, the topic of Stella already on the tips of their tongues.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now