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Everyone who has ever heard of Heaven and Hell would have never expected the true reality of what really awaits them when they die. The human dramatizations of the fire and brimstone and eternal suffering of Hell contrasting to the golden gates that hold in nothing but reward and eternal happiness that is Heaven are immediately disproven the moment the soul leaves the body.

Because Hell, surprisingly but at the same time unsurprisingly, is almost identical to life on Earth. If you don't count the fact that sinners no longer look human, and instead some unholy symbolism of what got them cast into the fiery pits in the first place. And heaven?

One must wonder how true to the dramatizations Heaven is, when they send legions of angels down to exterminate sinners annually. A place willing to do something so heartless as slaughter souls who are already suffering for their sins?

When you first arrived in Hell just a day after one of those exterminations, you almost couldn't believe that the ruthless executions of souls scattered along the streets were because of heavenly angels. It was almost as hard to believe as the fact that you ended up in Hell in the first place...

But despite the horror and suffering and chaos that greeted you in your first days of life in Hell, there was a light in the darkness. Or specifically, a star that guided you out of the night. A Morningstar, if you will.

Charlie Morningstar, the princess of hell, was nothing like what you'd have expected a princess of hell to be from your time hearing of Hell in life. If you hadn't known her title as princess before knowing her, you would have thought with her bubbly helpful personality that she was an angel instead. Especially with how she seemed to swoop in out of nowhere the day you met her, saving you the pain of dealing with the sleazy perv demons that were circling you.

If only you had met her on your first day in hell...

But from the moment you set foot on the hill leading up to the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie has been nothing but helpful and the literal sunshine in the darkness that is Pentagram City. She gave you a home, a safer one than most of Pentagram City can say they have. Safer than where you had been before...

It wasn't much, not that you needed or wanted much, but it was more than you had before. A nice little room near the top floor, one with a view of the city laid out below the hotel. Which you couldn't deny, even if it was a city of sinners and chaos, the view was breathtaking.

To top the wonderful room that you insisted you would work to earn the worth of, the other guests of Hazbin were far kinder than most of the sinners you'd met thus far in Pentagram City. Angel Dust, despite his initial vulgar impression, was actually sweet at heart despite his rough past. Husk, despite his rough exterior, also had a soft heart beneath that surely facade he put on.

Alastor... Despite the face splitting grin and the fact he too had been nothing but helpful to you since your arrival, there was a whisper at the back of your mind that his intentions may be deeper than the surface value he lets others see. The hairs on the back of your neck always rise when he's around, but you've tried your hardest to ignore it and give him a chance just as Charlie gave you one in letting you stay at the hotel.

Hazbin Hotel is the start of a second chance, a chance at redemption, so anyone who enters its doors should be given a chance in the heart as well. If only you knew what you had done in life to deserve damnation to Hell in the first place... Maybe then redemption for yourself would be easier to understand...


"Where've you been, doll face? You missed out on meeting Short King." Short King?

Despite everything that's taught on Earth about Lucifer, hearing about the King of Hell and Charlie's father and learning that he's not the monster and bringer of death and damnation that Christianity claimed him to be wasn't something you expected. Although, you didn't think the Princess of Hell would be sunshine and daisies and running a redemption hotel either...

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