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The devil in question pauses just as he's stripped down to his boxers, turning to glance over at you in the middle of his bed. Where you've been waiting for him for about an hour while he checked in one more time on Husk and Angel by Charlie's request. "Yes, beautiful?"

You wait for him to crawl into bed with you, until the warmth of his skin is against yours before you show him your phone. And his brows furrow, and you watch as he rolls onto his back before taking your phone to read the text. "No."


"No, you're not going." Lucifer hands your phone back to you as he lays back against his pillow, not even giving you another glance as he closes his eyes and sighs. But he can't fake that he's trying to go to bed when you see the way his jaw is tense with frustration.

"I wasn't planning to go, Lu." You roll over, curling into the devil's side. And even if he's frustrated with the fact Vox is trying to arrange a meeting with you about his supposed deal, Lucifer still wraps an arm around you to pull you in closer. "Can I know what's going through your mind about this at least?"

It's been a day now. A day of Lucifer silently seething at how Vox is trying to get control of you back. A day of Angel still being bedridden because the amount of energy his body needed to use to work with Lucifer's magic has left him unable to stay awake long. And even when he is awake, the trauma of what he went through has been keeping him silent before he passes back out.

A day of you knowing that you all wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't publicly embarrassed Vox on his own talk show.

"Until you showed me that text, what was going through my mind was snuggling with you like this." Lucifer answers as his fingertips dance across the skin just under the edge of your pajama top you snagged from him. "Now, I'm highly considering getting dressed and going out to obliterate that tower with him and everything else in it."

"Lu, no." Lucifer grumbles softly, obviously unhappy that he can't do as he wants, but you reach for his face and guide his face to look at you. And as soon as your fingers card into his hair, he's a goner as he sighs and relaxes into you. "I'm serious, what are you planning?"

Lucifer's eyes open, looking at you now with exhaustion in his gaze instead of frustration. "Neither you or Charlie will let me do anything, so right now I'm biding my time and waiting for that fucking sinner to fuck up again before I come down on him with all my power." Good, at least Charlie is on your side about not getting violent in this. They already had a war against Heaven before, they don't need one against one of the most powerful overlords in Hell. Even if Lucifer is on the side of Hazbin, it won't be pretty.

"I'd like to at least discuss the idea of finding out what he'd want in return for freeing Angel's soul, Lucifer."


"I know, I know you're not going to let me make a deal with him. I don't plan to, but I... I want to at least know what Vox would want in exchange for Angel. What if it's not as bad as we assume?" You ask as Lucifer's frustration bubbles back to the surface in his face. But you don't pull away, keeping yourself close as he sighs.

"Songbird, you've only been down here months verses thousands of years like I have. I know these sinners; I know what they are and aren't capable of. Vox is a ruthless psychopath, and he's only going to want something that's equal or greater value than what he's willing to trade." You know he's a ruthless businessman, you've witnessed it firsthand. "He knows you're a fallen angel, beautiful. He knows you've got more power in you than he could ever hope to see. That's why he's trying to pull you back, especially now that Adam's collar is gone."

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