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Fallen Adam character design reference, rights to this belong to the artist, not me!


"I'm not doing it."

"I don't think you have much of a choice in the matter, considering." You may be enjoying this just a bit too much.

Lucifer and Alastor standing over Adam, who looks like he'd rather die for the final time, as Charlie tries to lead the group in a sharing exercise is far too enjoyable for you. Especially considering the golden collar around his neck that doesn't vanish like yours did. A permanent reminder of his fall and loss of more than just his Grace.

"Just kill me again. Because this redemption shit is a waste of time. Hell is forever, bitch." You roll your eyes, sipping your drink as Angel and Husk glance suspiciously at the fallen sinner sat beside you.

And maybe you're taking a little more sadistic pleasure in this than is fair. Maybe you're enjoying Adam's pure annoyance with this a bit too much, because if he hadn't shown up the other night at Ozzie's, you wouldn't be in this situation.

You and Lucifer would still be fine...

You chug the rest of your tea, swallowing it down like the pain in your heart. Because Lucifer hasn't tried reaching out to you either, so obviously he's not getting past that you're a former angel.

"Do I get to stab stab you again?" Niffty suddenly jumps onto Adam's lap as he pouts like the overgrown manchild he is, and for the first time he actually looks fearful as he stares back at the little cyclops girl grinning manically at him. "I love me a bad boy, even more when he lets me be a bad girl."

"Niffty, no!" Charlie scoops Niffty off Adam as you cover your mouth to hold in the laughter at how he's so obviously afraid of the little maid that killed him the first time. And you didn't even know that until he got here, now that's fucking hilarious as he would say. "Adam is here to redeem himself this time, no more stabbing."

"Aw, but that's not fun..."

"Here, dear." Alastor reaches over the couch and gives Niffty a letter opener as you look back at his grinning face. "You can stab all the lowly insects in the hotel with this!"

"Yay, thank you, sir!" Alastor catches Niffty when she launches herself at him to hug into his coat, before she runs off with a laugh that genuinely makes you wonder if she's the true psycho of the hotel.

Your eyes drift to Lucifer standing guard beside Alastor, watching the way he rolls his eyes, before they flicker down to you. And you look away immediately, barely letting your eyes meet for a millisecond before you're looking back at Charlie explaining the trust exercise of today.

You can still feel the burn of his eyes on you, but you do your best to ignore it. "We're each going to say something that we appreciate about everyone here! We'll go in a circle until everyone's said something nice about each person! I'll go first, Vaggie I appreciate how you've always stayed by my side, no matter what we're going through!" Charlie announces, smiling so wide it looks painful as Vaggie smiles softly back at her.

"Not happening, babe." Adam shuts down the moment Vaggie says something nice about Charlie and turns to him to go next.


"I don't appreciate anything about any of you. You're the reason I'm here."

"Exactly! If it wasn't for us, you would still be out there in Pentagram scraping by!"

"I'd still be out in Pentagram trying to capture her." You can't help the smirk that curls over your lips as Adam jabs a thumb your way. Because the news that it was him that sent that hit out when you were at dinner with Vox, that it's been him this whole time, is really funny to you. Because Vox has been trying to sort it out and couldn't find the head, and oh look who you found?

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