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"Where's Adam?"

"He's... sulking." You raise a brow at Vaggie, because that's very uninformative about whatever is going on with Adam. "He's still not letting go about the Envy trip, even though almost everyone knew about you and Lucifer."

"Which part? The fact Lucifer had to help me walk on Sunday, or all the bickering the two of them were doing? Or is it the hot spring debacle?" There's plenty of things from Envy that Adam's been pissy about. Hell, he's even been pissy that you guys went to Envy at all, instead of Wrath. You think he's just grasping at straws on reasons to stay mad.

"I'm not even sure, he's just acting like a spoiled brat." You snort, because Vaggie and you know the best of anyone here how much of a spoiled brat Adam is. "We were finally making progress on him too."

"He'll get over it. He should be focused on Helsa Von Eldritch, not Lucifer and I's relationship." Especially considering that other spoiled brat was hanging on him the entire time you were all in Envy and has been trying to keep contact with him since you all got back to Pride too. Her desperation is honestly sad.

"Oh Satan, Helsa's not here, is she?" Charlie suddenly pops up at the mention of the spoiled girl she hates.

"No, but I suspect when all the sins come up this weekend, she'll probably tag along." Charlie groans loudly, dropping her forehead onto the front desk counter. Poor Vaggie didn't even have time to catch her, so the loud bang sounded painful. "You could just come up with an excuse not to come if Helsa does end up coming."

"No, it's been decades since all the sins were in one place at once. My dad's already anxious enough about it." Yeah, you know. He's anxiously preparing right now for it up in his workshop, even though it's not until Friday night when everyone's due to arrive. It's only Tuesday, but he wants everything perfect. "I want to see everyone and be there for him if he needs me."

"Your dad will be fine. I think he's more anxious about my first dinner with Vox than he is about hosting all the sins at Pride Manor."

"Why, if I was his majesty, I would be anxious too about leaving my little doe all alone with a vicious predator like Vox." Alastor suddenly appears from the shadows behind Charlie, tapping his cane on the floor as he grins back at you. "Although, unlike his majesty, I'd happily run my horns through that carnivore before he could even bare his teeth at what is mine."

"Alastor, you'd never have a girl to call your own."

Alastor doesn't even give Vaggie a glance for her dry comment. "I may not feel the same things that you loving couples do, dear. But I still feel a hunger to protect what is mine and devour those so foolish to think they can even look at what's mine." That's ominous. You can only imagine what he might have done in life. You're honestly surprised you never came across him up there, considering the torment of his soul and what he did to other souls...

"Anyways," You're going to change the subject before Alastor can potentially share about souls he's devoured. "There's nothing to worry about. Vox can't touch me, and he's the only one allowed present at dinners with me. Valentino can't touch me either, and neither of them can get under my skin when I know I get to walk away without risk."

"But is there truly no risk, dear?"

"Al, have you checked on Adam today?" Charlie helps you by changing the subject. "Is he still in his room?"

"Yes, he's been glued to that noisy device our little songbird gave him. Hardly left his bed, his room is a right mess of drink cups, food wrappers and tissues." Okay... Might be worth it to send Niffty up to Adam's room today then. Before he potentially starts an infestation with his sloppiness.

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