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You know as a Guardian Angel, you've had to move faster than most other angels ever had. But even with your limited memories, you think this must be the fastest you've moved in a very long time.

You land at full speed in front of the hotel, still laughing even as Adam lands beside you and collapses onto the pavement at your feet with his hair a mess and his cheeks red from laughing and flying at top speed.

You collapse with him, landing on his wings as he grunts but continues laughing with you because you've never seen Vox so mad in your time of knowing him. And you both know that note you wrote him and left on his desk is only going to make it worse.

It was worth it. It was time to take the TV Demon's ego and give it a good kick. And you nearly didn't go through with it, you nearly backed down, but the final kicker was Velvette. The final kick was when you saw the bruises on the back of her neck as she did make-up, and you realized you weren't Vox's only victim in that building.

"H-he was so conflicted between b-being mad and horny for you! FUCKING HILARIOUS!"

"He'd never have a chance!" You roll off Adam onto the hard pavement, but you don't mind it right now. You're so proud of what you've done, so proud you sent a message to all the viewers who believed Vox's lies not to believe everything he says.

And your phone is still going ballistic in your pocket, no doubt in your mind that it's Vox, but you don't care. Because you changed all your passwords last night on everything Vox had prior access to. You know he can hack your devices, but inside the hotel's perimeter you're untouchable to his power.

Even so, you're a fallen angel. You may not be able to physically harm him, but you can still put him in his place.

"We... should get up and go inside." You say as you gasp for breath, lungs burning from the laughter and exertion of moving so fast to get away from Vox before he truly erupted. And you know this isn't going to be the last you hear of this; you know Vox isn't going to take what you've done to his public image lying down.

But you don't care. Because you're done letting him get away with mistreating you just because you felt you owed him for saving you when you first arrived in Hell. He saved you for your power, and you're not letting him try to take advantage of that power anymore. Now, if only you could get Angel out of his contract to Valentino...

"He deserved worse." You roll your head to the side, watch as Adam pushes himself up off the pavement only to hold a hand down towards you. You accept it, letting him pull you up off the ground. "Maybe even a Sinstagram picture of you with a guy you prefer over him."

You roll your eyes at Adam's smug smirk. While you know that would be salt on the wound, and you are grateful to him for working with you today on this, you're not giving him anything more to boost his ego. "I think we've done enough. Also, he would likely block it from getting seen by anyone but himself and us." Vox did that with any pictures of you and Lucifer together that circulated, he'll likely do it again.

"Come on..." Adam follows you as you start to head for the door to go inside, not giving up. "Don't you want to give one last fuck you to that shitty sinner? Show him that he's failed like he failed at life to end up down here?"

You sigh, turning to face Adam just as you walk through the front doors. You can hear Charlie and Vaggie somewhere inside, Charlie singing as music plays nearby. "If I do it, will you let the topic of Vox drop from now on?"

"Yep!" You roll your eyes at how quickly he agrees, pulling out your phone to take the picture as you let your wings spring free once more to take the picture just as you looked on Vox's show. Ignoring the absolute chaos of texts bombarding your phone from Vox, you open your camera app as Adam swoops into your side to squeeze in for the picture.

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