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"Are you okay? We saw what happened!"

You crashed almost as soon as you got back to the hotel, Angel and Husk barely catching you before your knees could hit the carpet of the lobby as everything that just happened finally catches up to you.

You're a bit annoyed that someone was recording the entirety of the war that happened at dinner, but it saved you from having to explain everything to everyone. Because while in the moment you reacted and moved almost in instinct to protect Vox and the waitress from dying, you can't possibly think to explain just how you did that. Or just how you're alive, because how the Hell did your wings deflect everything without injury? How is all you walked away with ruffled feathers and burning lungs and muscles from exhaustion?

You loll your head to the side as you hear your door open, just in time to see Charlie and Lucifer walk in with a first-aid kit in case you really do have injuries you don't feel yet. How Charlie managed to convince everyone else to let you be alone for now, you still don't know, but you're grateful because you don't think you can handle the questioning.

"Can you move at all?" You shrug, because you're sure you could, you just might fall over after a second. "Dad, can you help me?"

Lucifer is on your bed in an instant, helping you sit up as Charlie opens the first-aid kit. "Let me see your wings, songbird." The life-saving appendages swing out immediately at his request. And you have to admit, it helps you a bit when he laughs within seconds. "I just taught you how to fix these and then you go and mess them up."

You have to bite your tongue to fight the urge to remind him he did the same last night after you preened him, because his daughter is right in front of you and can't know. "Sorry, occupational hazard."

"Hell hazard, more like it." Charlie corrects you as she joins you two on the bed, all ready with spray disinfectant. "Is anywhere bleeding?"


"Is anything hurting at all?"

"Besides my muscles from the exertion? No." Charlie's face shows the surprise that you were feeling when Vox showed you out on the street that you were untouched. "Every bullet got deflected by my wings."

"That's amazing!" You laugh at Charlie's awe, because you'd be feeling it too if you didn't feel like you've been hit by a truck right now. "Is there anything you need? Do you need a pick me up, a bath, anything?"

"I think I just need to rest, Charlie." Anything else sounds like too much energy. Because you just gave everything to protect the man who days ago assaulted you, and you protected an innocent bystander who was so unfortunate to be caught in the crossfire of Overlord politics.

"Okay. If you need anything, just send one of us a text then!" Charlie offers as she starts packing the first-aid kit back up. You barely catch her when she gives her dad beside you a pointed look, and looking to the man himself you catch the briefest shake of his head before he sees you've seen him and flashes his signature cheeky smile. "You coming, dad?"

"I'm gonna help this little songbird get her wings all fixed up, sweetie!" Didn't Lucifer say he wanted to talk to you earlier, before the whole forced date and surprise battle? "Just set something aside for me, I'll eat later."

"Did my coming home early interrupt all of you sitting down to eat?" You ask only to be silenced by Lucifer's hand squeezing down on a wing, sending warm tingles down your spine as you faceplant back into the bed.

"No, no you're fine! And I'll bring something up for you both, I'm sure you must be hungry after what you just went through." You and Vox didn't even eat at all, that poor restaurant is in shambles now thanks to him choosing to eat there.

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