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Your entire body jerks forward as you open your eyes, vermillion replaced with darkness as you gasp for breath and your heart flutters like a hummingbird inside your chest. The feeling of fingertips biting at your flesh fades like phantom touches.

The bed shakes beneath you as you lean back onto your back, try to calm yourself from that obvious dream. But your heart can't calm when an arm snakes over your waist, and you remember that the very person you just had that very intimate dream about is laying in this same bed with you.

"Songbird?" You close your eyes to the darkness and squeeze them shut harder as you try not to let the image of him on top of you replay behind your closed eyelids. What was THAT? The arm around your waist tugs on you, but you roll away from him instead of towards like he was trying.

"'m fine, Luce."

Lucifer glues himself to your back, and the memory flashes behind your eyelids again as you realize it also left you a mess when you curl your legs up against yourself. His arms slipping back around your waist aren't helping, him being in the same bed as you when you had a dream like that about him isn't helping.

"You sure you're okay?" His sleepy voice isn't helping either. And you feel guilty, guilty because you dreamed that about him. Guilty because you dreamed something like that about your friend and jerked awake and probably scared him awake too.

You knew agreeing to share your bed with him another night would backfire on you eventually, but you didn't think it would backfire this soon...

Lucifer sighs, and you feel the guilt swirling heavier in your stomach because you're making him worry for you. "I'm fine, Lucifer."

"Roll over and look at me then." You defiantly refuse when he tries to roll you in his arms. "Bad dream?" You wouldn't necessarily say bad, you can still almost feel the shocks of pleasure down your spine. "Was it about Vox or Valentino?"

"Lucifer, please." Your hand immediately snaps up to cover your mouth, because now you sound like you did in your dream. Why did he have to wake up? Why couldn't he have slept through you waking up, so that you could have escaped to the couch or the bathroom.

Your guilt only triples when Lucifer's body, normally relaxed against you, stiffens in response to your attempt to not talk about it. And you have to resist the urge to roll over, when his arms slip away from you, and you feel him roll away from you as you did to him. Because it's not as bad as if he knew what you just dreamed of him.

Your heart only aches more when you feel the bed creak to let you know he's gotten up from it. You don't blame him for leaving, you'd leave too if you were in his position. If you were divorced and your friend who you trusted had a dream of you like that while sleeping in the same bed, you'd be mortified. Well, you're already mortified.

You squeak when a hand pries the one you'd been covering your face with away, looking up as you realize Lucifer got up to move to the side of the bed you were facing instead. And his hands are gentle, as he pulls you into him until your face is buried against his collar bone. "You don't have to tell me, let's just go back to sleep, sound good?"

This man deserves a better friend than you...


"We need to get you laid, girlfriend!" You sputter on your drink, coughing violently as your nose and throat burn in protest to the foreign liquid. Trust in Cherri to be the bluntest person she can be.

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