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"Stretch them out." You flex your wings, watching in the mirror as the large appendages spread out behind you as Mister Vox watches your every move. "Perfect, now," You shiver when his clawed hand comes up to run from one wingtip to the other as if measuring. "Fold them back again."

You snap your wings back shut behind you, the feathery things almost seeming to shrink in with how they disappear behind you in your reflection.

You should have known yesterday when Vox reacted the way he did, this would be your day today. He knew you had power in you, and you can't help but wonder if he was letting Valentino push you to try to force it to come out. Because he hasn't left you alone once since you got in and doesn't seem like he will with his sheer fascination in your new limbs.

"And how do they make you feel?" Vox leans down, meeting your eye in the mirror as that initial rush of energy you felt when they first formed yesterday leaves your veins once more. "So, you can get rid of them whenever you want?"

"I don't know how, it just happens. Yesterday it was because I was tired."

"And now it's because you don't need them. You can hide in plain sight and swoop like a voracious eagle whenever you want." Well, you hardly think you'll be doing any swooping... Especially when you don't even know how to fly with them yet.

Last night, you entertained the idea of asking Lucifer to teach you, since Angel says he has wings. But Alastor's words from yesterday fluttered back into your mind. It makes you wonder; would your wings make you a target? Would Lucifer even want to teach you, even if you're officially friends now?

"They remind me of an eagle's wings. I wonder, once we get you airborne, how fast do you think you'll be able to fly?" Mister Vox draws you out of your thoughts, turning you to face him instead of the mirror.

"I don't even know how to use them yet, Mister Vox."

"And that's why we'll teach you, my dear." How the heck does he plan to teach you? He doesn't have wings, and you doubt he can get airborne when in his electric form if there isn't an electronic in the sky for him to move between.

Vox's clawed hand comes up to pinch your chin between his thumb and forefinger as he looks down on you. "Why? Why're you going to teach me? Don't you still want me running your campaigns for you?"

"Oh, I do, but you're a far more valuable asset to me if you're trained." Gee, thanks for making it sound like you're just another device in his production line... "Besides, I already have someone to teach you how to flap these pretty little wings of yours. Val--"

"No!" Vox's eyes narrow on you at interrupting him, but you don't fear those warning red eyes as much as you did say yesterday morning. "I'll learn on my own, without Valentino."

Vox's brow raises at you, but he shrugs his shoulders. "Fine, it can't be hard to learn anyways, and I do enjoy a woman who knows how to take control." Why does he have to say it like that? "I'll give you a week, then I want to see your progress." Vox turns away to walk back to his desk opposite the large mirror. "You can give me and all our clients a show! Show all of Hell just what VoxTek has to offer to new sinners like you."

You're not sure your power has anything to do with VoxTek, but you decide to keep that thought to yourself. "A show?"

"I'll clear an hour block on the program for the day, and we'll announce to Hell my newest rising star. We'll show them," Vox stalks towards you again, taking your hand and twirling you to face the mirror once more. "Just how powerful you can become if you just trust in us." Vox's free hand pushes on your back between your shoulder blades, and your wings suddenly spring forth with a flutter of feathers. How did he do that?

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