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Trigger warning: Physical/Emotional abuse!


"Can we watch shitty VoxFlix or VoxTok tonight???"

"Songbird, pleeeaaassseee?"

"You're going down to Lust? With a permit from the sin of Lust himself?" Mister Vox pulls your attention away from glancing at your phone screen lighting up with Lucifer's clinginess. "And how does that get any of your work done?"

"How does me being drugged by Valentino and stuck in bed for a day get any of my work done?" Vox's eyes snap up from his laptop to meet yours with a narrowed glare, but you're beyond professionalism with him at this point. Especially considering the fact that you've felt more of Vox against you than anyone else you've met in Hell.

Well, besides maybe Lucifer, but you're still trying to block out the thoughts of him cuddling up against you in his sleep with an erection...

"That's already been handled, so you might as well let it go." Let it go? Let go the fact that his disgusting partner bit you, that his saliva is essentially a roofie cocktail and he would have possibly harmed you if you hadn't been safely back at the hotel by the time it actually started to work on you?

"Interesting how things are handled in Hell by shoving your tongue and dick in them verses with a real punishment for wrongdoing." You don't take your eyes off Vox, but you take a sip of your tea as you tap out of Sinstagram on your phone blindly.

"Don't think that just because our showcase of power went well that this gives you the right to talk down to me. I am still your boss." Vox's annoyance would have scared you before, but your anger at Valentino overshadows that any day. "You were safely tucked away in that damned hotel; you were perfectly fine."

"I was drugged and sick for the entire day afterwards. I was not fine."

"There are sinners who have had a lot worse done to them in their time in Hell than what happened to you."

"Doesn't make it acceptable."

Vox slams his laptop shut so hard you hear the screen crack under the force, rolling your eyes since you know that means you'll be ordering a new one to be brought up to him. "Do you think because you did something good for me that it gives you the right to talk to me however you feel?" Vox asks as he leans back in his chair, narrowed eyes not once leaving you. "I allowed you the platform to drag my annoying partner through the sky, I allowed you the opportunities to gain that power that you used to do it."

"And you also allowed that "annoying" partner to drug your "rising star" employee to potentially rape or do worse to. And while she was tripping from being roofied, you were fucking that partner right here in this suite, or am I wrong?" Vox's right eye swirls hypnotically to show you his anger at being called out.

"Who I fuck is no concern to you!"

"But if that person comes near me, tries to drug me again, that does concern me. After all," You lean back in your own chair as Vox sits up straight. "I'm the VoxTek employee who's coming into her power. Who's all over the newsfeed. Who works for a man whose motto is "Trust us". So, I'm sure the media wouldn't appreciate seeing that girl getting assaulted by that person, especially when she's still working her hardest for the leader of VoxTek. Seems like it would be a big hit on public opinion."

Vox stares back at you, eerily quiet as you wait to see if your boldness has either saved you from dealing with Valentino or thrown you at the mercy of Vox. You know you're risking his temper finally, but it's a worthy calculated risk.

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