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"I understand he'd come down to Earth and mess with you, he's admitted to that plenty of times. I just... I didn't think all those comments that he's fucked you before were legitimate." Lucifer says as you pull the comforter down to lay in bed while you talk. Lucifer joins you, once more taking the same side of the bed as before even if the bed is now on a different wall.

"I guess when I died last time, my soul understood what I was leaving behind and so I left a fragment with Elias. But in doing that, I left the part of me that remembered him and the majority of that last life with him. Including what Adam did." How Adam seduced you only to never come back down and find out what he'd done.

You heard stories of angels who'd go down to earth and sleep with a human. But you never knew if it was fact or fiction created by bored angels. But the term for the half angel, half human offspring was ringing out in your head from the whispers earlier. Nephilim. Elias is a Nephilim, but not only that he's the offspring of the first man and first guardian angel.

"Believe me, if I remembered it when you all fixed my soul, I would have told you, Lu. I honestly probably would have flown off to find him myself and make sure he's safe." Lucifer's brow furrows instead of relaxing like you'd hoped he would. "What?"

"So... Are you going to leave with him then?" What? "He obviously doesn't belong here; his soul is still alive. But are you going to leave with him when we take him back? Stay on Earth with him, because he's your son?"

"Lucifer..." Is that what's been upsetting him so much? Is it not that Adam is Elias's father, but he's worried that you'll leave him as Lilith also left?

"I wouldn't blame you if you did, I'd go anywhere for Charlie as well. But I... I would want you with me, wherever I went with her. I'd still love you." You crawl onto Lucifer's lap again, cupping his face in your hands to make him meet your eye.

"I'm not leaving you, Lucifer Morningstar. Elias belongs on Earth, but I don't. I had my time up there, and I can always visit him if I want. But I belong here with you, with the man I love." Lucifer's eyes soften, and your heart cracks against your ribs when you see those vermillion eyes start to water up before he hugs himself against your chest.

"I love you; I don't want you to leave."

"I love you too, Luce. I'm not leaving you now or ever." Lucifer finally relaxes now that you've reassured him, you're not going anywhere. Besides, if you went back to Earth with him, he'd be at a greater risk. Because you can protect him against angels and demons, but not human souls. And whoever brought him down here could be a big risk that you'd need Lucifer or your friend's help with.

"So... you don't have some... hidden feelings for Adam?"

"No, Lu. He took advantage of me when I was wounded and weak. But I'm in my right mind and would never let that happen again. I can't say I regret it, because of Elias, but..."

"I understand. Even if I'm not in love with Lilith anymore, I don't regret what we had. Our marriage gave us Charlie." Of course, Lucifer understands. "I just... with everything that's happened and with how you two are friends now, I didn't know if something you had before would come back now that the final missing piece of your soul is back."

"No, I would never choose anyone over you, Luce." Lucifer pulls his face up from your collar, and you take the chance to steal a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Do you have any other questions that would help you feel better about all this?" You ask, crawling off Lucifer's lap to snuggle against his side. You smile against his shoulder when you feel his tail slipping around your calf, hugging you just as his arm wraps around your waist. Cuddly little devil.

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