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Eh, late night chapter, 'cause I feel like it. FEAST!


"Who bit you up like that, toots?" Lucifer fucking Morningstar...

"Bitch, you finally did it??? Did you finally fuck that TV demon???" You are going to smack that damned fallen angel...

You fold your hand, shoving your cards up towards Husk to discard as the cat man doesn't even bother hiding his smirk. Lucifer promised he wouldn't mark you up this morning before you left. How are you supposed to hide teeth marks on the side of your neck? You don't have make-up like Angel!

"Can we not do this?" You ask as Cherri cheers loudly and slams a fist on the table so hard it nearly breaks, while Angel high fives her and leans over to take a picture of your neck. "Do not post that!"

"Why not???" You're just lucky you didn't see Vox today. You could only imagine if he noticed Lucifer's bite mark, he'd have some words for you, considering his damned publicity stunt. Not that you care, because you don't even want to be a part of it, but you don't want any more drama than there already is.

You're going to remind Lucifer though when you see him next that his embarrassingly fast, well he thinks embarrassing, finish is going to come in second. You're not going to let him get away with this, even if he's obviously got a biting kink. And he bit you like this because you teased him about how fast he finished, so it's only fair to decrease that timeframe.

"Or was it not Vox?" Cherri gasps suddenly, throwing her cards on the table and effectively showing she would have won, so Angel and Husk forfeit before she takes more from them. "Was it Valentino? Velvette? Did that hot hellhound from Lust track you down?" You glare weakly at the sex-crazed girl opposite you at the table.

"No." You just leave it at that, because the answer is the same for all.

"Was it short king?" You nearly spit out your Shirley Temple just as you take a sip, having to fight the way it tickles the back of your throat with the urge to cough by forcing yourself to swallow. "We saw what he did to your shirt in Lust, it would make sense."

"Didn't know you two were back on good terms." Husk hums as he deals new hands out to all of you.

"I didn't even say it was Lucifer!" Why are they assuming without you saying anything?!

"You're not denying it either though." Angel points out with a knowing smirk that has you narrowing your eyes at him. "He's a kinky little fucker, ain't he?"

"I didn't say it was Lucifer." You repeat, but Angel just rolls his eyes and with a glance at Cherri and Husk you realize Angel might have just dug your grave on this battlefield.

"No shit? Didn't think he'd be the type, what with the ring." Your frustration at Angel melts immediately to guilt, but not at what you and Lucifer have done. Guilt because you don't want others to think he views his former marriage any less because of you.

"He's a bratty manchild, but you're right Husk." You don't hesitate to defend Lucifer once you swallow back the guilt. "I don't think there's anyone in existence he'll love as much as his ex. Other than Charlie, of course." It hurts you to say that, because you know it's true, but at least you can pretend in the warmth of your sheets that you'd ever have a chance.

And the way Angel's eyes soften on you, the way Husk's eyes soften on you at what you say, tells you that you've cleared the fallen angel of this bite even though it was him. Because they've seen you this last week, and they know how much you were hurting over Lucifer. And even if there's still a dull pang in your heart because this new development isn't out of the desire that you have for Lucifer, you keep trying to tell your heart to just be happy with what it can get.

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