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"What do you mean you have to show up with Vox?" The anger radiating off Lucifer is palpable, so thick you could cut the air with a knife. Even Angel and Husk look concerned like you feel about Lucifer finding this out.

"Not unheard of, short king. I've gotta show up with Val, then I can join the real party." And now the air is thick with the rage you can practically see spilling off Husk at the news of Angel having to be a part of your annoying arrival party.

"What the fuck? Isn't this some couples shit? You're not dating that TV fuck, and you're not dating that walking bug zapper target." You kind of enjoy it when Husk gets mad though, only for the images he brings to mind. Because you'd really love to see Valentino get zapped, he definitely deserves it.

Angel laughs into his glass of whiskey, but your eyes drift back to Lucifer seething at the other end of the table.

"Your highness, would you prefer our little songbird arrive as your date instead? How scandalous! I must admit, I did wonder about your true motives after the culture display!" Now is not the time for Alastor to poke the bull, especially not with the way you see Lucifer's eyes flicker to their demon form almost immediately. "Can't say I blame you, pretty little dames like her are hard to come by in a place like this." Alastor hums as he spears a piece of his stake on his fork.

And now Lucifer's horns are out too to match his eyes. You wish the two of them would get over their animosity and act like adults... "Haha, don't you just sound like a jealous admirer? I'm sure you wish she was going with you instead, huh? Better than that older lady from Cannibal Town." And now Alastor's antlers are starting to poke out of his hair more obviously as his eyes narrow down the table towards Lucifer's smug smirking face.

"Dad don't be mean to Rosie like that! You haven't even met her!" Charlie is on him in an instant for insulting the kind overlord of Cannibal Town, and honestly you would have defended her too if Charlie wasn't first to it.

"Wha--he started it! He's allowed to talk about her like that," Lucifer points his fork down the table towards you as Angel and Husk groan beside you. "But I can't say anything back?!"

"I complimented our pretty little songbird." Alastor is right back to calm smiles, but the smug glint in his eye as he looks at his plate is likely why you hear Lucifer growl a second later. "If my dear Rosie didn't need me, I'd be escorting you myself, dear. Protecting you against that noisy picture box and his... unsavory advances." Somehow, you feel he's also referring to Lucifer in the way he looks down the table at him about advances.

"Oh, fuck you!"

"Sir, please calm down..."

Why can't you all just have a nice dinner without Lucifer and Alastor arguing like bitter ex's?

Lucifer opens his mouth, likely to continue arguing, but instead someone's phone cuts through the air. And based how it sounds like circus music, you're not surprised when Lucifer's pulling his phone out seconds later with his horns and red and yellow eyes back to normal. "I have to take this. Excuse me." Lucifer gives one last glare at Alastor before he gets up from the table and leaves the dining room.

"That was fortunate timing." Angel mutters beside you before the rest of you go back to eating, hopefully with far less drama this time.

"Are we still playing cards tonight?" Charlie asks after dinner, when everyone's piling dishes onto the cart to go to the kitchen. Niffty's practically bouncing in her step, excited to clean all the dirty dishes as she giggles happily.

"Yeah, I've got them behind my bar. I'll go grab them." Husk says as he passes off his and Angels dishes to the cart.

"I'll help you!" And Angel is running after him.

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