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Y'all smashed that goal harder than the last one! Feast!


Tomorrow's the day. Mister Vox has it all set up, the programming block for your presentation is already locked in. You've gotten plenty of practice in, in and out of work since Vox wanted constant updates every day, but you don't like the idea of being on live TV. Even if your boss is literally the one in control of all the TV's.

"Do you want me to preen those for you?" You turn your head, looking back at the man lounging on your couch behind you as you try to make sure all your campaigns and alerts are set for tomorrow. The less you have to worry about, the better.

Lucifer's legs are draped over the arm rest, one arm folded behind his head while his phone is propped on his chest as it sounds like he's watching a VoxTok from the sounds of music repeating every few seconds. How is he comfortable like that?


"Yeah, your wings, songbird. They look like you've never even touched them, let alone preened your feathers." You don't even know what he means by that! You're not a bird, you're a human in Hell, you don't need to preen!

"I'm not a bird."

"You've got wings." Lucifer's head rolls to the side to level you with a deadpanned look, brow even raised as you roll your eyes at him. "Even angels like me have to do it. It's not exclusive to birds."

"How? They're on your back, how do you do it when you can't even reach most of them?" And he has six wings to your two, you can only imagine how hard that must be to manage.

Lucifer's expression changes, a soft look passing over his vermillion eyes that suddenly turns sad before he turns his eyes back to his phone. "My wife helped me, actually."

Oh... "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up memories for you."

Lucifer shrugs, but he doesn't say anything more and goes back to focusing on his phone while his legs swing over the edge of the armrest. So, his wife helped him preen his own wings, wouldn't that mean it's a sensitive subject? You sure know your own wings are sensitive, especially when pressed against.

This last week since Lucifer discovered you had wings, you have noticed how he's been around a bit more. Like him laying on your couch right now, he likes to lounge around you at the end of the day when work and his duties are done. You don't mind, it gives you reasons to talk, and you've learned more about him. But he still hasn't talked about his wife, this is only the second time he's mentioned her in fact.

Realistically, you think he'd rather talk about anything else than her by the way he just shut off a bit at mentioning her, and you don't want to ask him about his former relationship either because it's obviously sensitive for him. But if she helped him, wouldn't that make it hard for him to help you with your wings? Wouldn't it bring up more memories that he obviously holds dear?

"You don't have to worry about it, Lucifer, I can handle it. And if not I'm sure Vox will make me fix them tomorrow before we go live..." Vox will probably make sure you don't have even a single hair out of place, let alone a feather when you need to let them out.

"The boss who feels your wings up every day and had his dick on you when you're obviously uncomfortable with it?" Well, at least he's not sad anymore, but Lucifer annoyed is also not something you want to see.

"He "gets hard from power" as he puts it." Although you still don't like how bold and vulgar he's been since your power has grown, at least he's not trying to do anything about it. Most men you'd think would be embarrassed if they accidentally pressed up against a girl like that, but your boss isn't like most guys obviously.

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